I love seeing every milestone on my blog!  It’s like the little engine that could!

Who would have thought that way back in September of 2008 I would be getting comments and so many visitors.  When I look back on older posts, I realized that pretty much only my family was reading and commenting for the first few months!

It took me six months to reach 40,000 page views, in which my lovely Tony posted a guest post.  Go ahead and read it, I’ll wait! 😀

And now I’ve reached another 100,000 in four months.  I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who takes time out of there day to see what I make, see Hannah grow up and share my life with Tony.  It really means a lot to me that so many enjoy my little hobby! 😀

So let’s get on with the giveaway loot!  My wonderful friend at Cabot Cheese has graciously offered their $60 cheese package!  Not only do you get to sample their 50% and 75% reduced fat cheese, you also get a two pound block of their award winning Vermont Cheddar Cheese! 😀

You know how I loves the cheese!  What I love about Cabot’s reduced fat cheese is that I don’t feel like I am being cheated – it tastes just as good as the full fat stuff.  Please bear in mind that this will ship when the temperatures cool down a bit, so you may need to be patient on this. 😀

But wait, there’s more!  I love Eating Well magazine because it uses real ingredients, nothing too fancy, just good clean food.   So I will be giving away this cookbook!

And what’s better than one cookbook, but two?!  I found this one at my Library and loved that it had simple, straight forward recipes:

But wait . . . there is more!  Who wants four jars of my baja fresh salsa??!!  I know dozens of you have made it, but if you haven’t yet, now is your chance to get it!

Here is my picture way back from 2008 – I think I’ve learned a couple things about taking photography these last almost two years!

Once canned, it will last up to a year or more.  But I doubt it will even get you to the end of summer.  Each year I say I am going to can more for the winter, but usually by December I am all out.  I’ve been known to grill in December though to make more!

To win, simply leave me a comment.  It doesn’t matter what it is.  You can leave a comment telling me about your favorite cheese, what your last favorite thing you cooked, or maybe your most requested recipe to make for family gatherings – I’ll leave it up to you!  I’ll pick a winner on Monday, July 25.  Good luck!

I am tired – I didn’t get home from theB-52’s concert until 11:30 last night.  I’ll leave you with a few pics – have a great day!

I've not seen this boxed wine before. It was only 16.99 for a 3L container and it was pretty good
so much food!
sea of people
this was really good - it was Italian salami, mozzarella cheese and a hot pepper rolled together
and this delicious couscous salad, which I will get the recipe and post it later - it was really bright because of the citrus