I am loving our group of 44 strong women who have joined the 101 Days of Summer Challenge.  There is both an email string and a group on Facebook, and every time I saw an email or someone post on Facebook, it was just a little tap on the shoulder that I need to stay focused not just for me, but for the 44 other women as well so that we meet our goals.  I’ve basically broken it down by each week, as I think that keeps you focused short term so that you can achieve the long term goals.  My goals this week are to skip the wine (wha?!), get 10k steps a day minimum and get my water in.  I am proud that all of those things happened yesterday, and it’s because of all of you that I met my goal for the day – so I thank you for being the best cheerleaders I could ever ask for.  There is no I in Teamwork!  Still not too late to join, just shoot me an email and let me know if you want to follow along via email or Facebook – mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.

So part of getting my act together as planning out my food.  I am actually pretty good at that 90% of the time.  I had my idea of what I was going to bring for my food yesterday, and after I got out of the shower I started loaded up my lunch bag.  I got to work with the intention of making a ham, egg white, baby spinach breakfast sammie on my panini maker at work.  So I get to work, start pulling my stuff out and suddenly realize – doh!  I forgot my container of egg white!  So I went with Plan B.  A ham, spinach and cheese sandwich on Flatout foldit bread (7 grams of fiber!) with some fresh fruit on the side.

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I hadn’t done much exercising because of my cough the last 8 or 9 days, so I took it easy.  I went slow to start (my first mile pace was 18 minutes!) but felt okay and by the end did 3 miles in just over 51 minutes.  It was humid though.  I didn’t cough much when I was walking and when I got back to my desk I told my boss “I hardly coughed!” until I sat down – then I started coughing for a couple minutes, but it didn’t last long.  I made another batch of lasagna soup (batch 312?!) only this time I used a different seasoning.  When my blog friend Jessica and I went to the Spice House when I was in Milwaukee, I picked up this pizza seasoning and I used a tablespoon of that in my lasagna soup, and it was amazing – spicier than my other batches, but flavorful spicy.  Yes.

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While I still use CalorieCount to help me determine how many carbs I am eating, I am going back to old school and writing in my journal.  Not just my food, but thoughts, how I am feeling, etc.  There is just something about putting pen to paper that makes it seem more . . . real?  I love the journal I got at World Market, it’s small enough that I can keep it in my purse and whenever I pull it out something on it jumps out at me.  Yesterday the first thing I saw was “Create Your Own Happiness.”  Love.

I ended up starting back at Week 13 of my Bitesized Fitness strength routine.  Yesterday was chest and that took me about 25 minutes, then did 1.5 miles on the treadmill.  I didn’t want to overdo it on my first day back at the gym.  Still about 90% recovered, but I am using the motto #wycwyc and not stressing over how I think I should be doing more.  And it’s worth mentioning that I did 4 sets of 10 reps each of 40 pounds on the barbell bench press – I actually think I could have bumped up to 50, but I would need a spotter for that to hand off the barbell to, or figure out how to use the Smith machine.

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Jacob was working last night and wouldn’t be home until after 8.  Hannah helped me meal plan this week and to her, no week would be complete without a taco salad!  Ours had chopped romaine at the base, chopped red cabbage, 1/4 cup black beans, 1/4 cup corn, 1/2 cup cucumber, 1/4 cup brown rice – and I ended up adding some green hot sauce that my step-son and DIL gave me to the Magic Green Sauce, and that made a delicious salad dressing.  Of course, I did have to add some Tapatio hot sauce too.  I ended up eating about 3/4 of the salad because I ate slow and was full – go me!  It wasn’t until I was scraping the rest into the garbage that I realized I had a meal with no cheese  – gasp!  Ha, first time that’s happened in a while!

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I am happy to say that I did make my goal of 10k – almost 15k!

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I got up early enough this morning that I could do 10 minutes of stretching, and then squeeze in a quick 20 minute walk before work – its overcast and 61 degrees – perfect!

Here’s to all of us continuing to meet our goals as we are in Week 2 of the 101 Days of Summer – it will go by so fast – be sure to make each day count.  Hugs!