Today is one of the few days that’s actually felt like summer!  We got a lot done today already – Tony took care of the yard while I tackled the inside.

Two things that needed MAJOR rehauling was my seasoning cabinet – there were so many things in there I literally haven’t used in years!   Hannah was very proud of my organizational skills when she got home from work! 😀

Breakfast was goat cheese scrambled eggs, hash browns, cheddar toast and 1/2 an apple:

I got this at Whole Foods on thursday - I hadn't had this flavor before
I got this at Whole Foods on thursday - I hadn't had this flavor before
It's like having Mama Rini's at home! :D
It's like having Mama Rini's at home! 😀

After we finished our chores, we decided to go out to lunch before shopping for our papa day!  We hit up our local wing place – I decided to try a new sauce for dipping!


I got the “lo-cal” plate – this chicken is always perfectly cooked and tender!


grilled chicken breast over lettuce on one side
grilled chicken breast over lettuce on one side
the other side is veggies: celery, green pepper, and carrots
the other side is veggies: celery, green pepper, and carrots

Off to run one more errand with Hannah – come back tonight for Grilled Cornish Hens stuffed with Wild Rice!  Hope everyone is having good weather like us! 😀