Oh my gosh.  What a whirlwind weekend this was!   I took a half day on Friday and 12:30 couldn’t come soon enough so I could start my adventure  (My new hashtag I have for stuff like this is #adventure2015!).  I love, love, love the navigation system I have with my car, I just listened to what she said and before I knew it, my hotel was in sight!

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If I ever make reservations for my boss for a hotel, she always wants a high floor, away from the elevator and away from the ice machine, so when I checked in, I asked for the same thing and I ended up getting a corner king suite – nice!  I booked my hotel through Expedia and got the room for $107 a night – not too bad!  The only thing I didn’t realize was that parking was $25 a day – oh well!

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I checked in and had about an hour to kill before meeting up with my first blogger – Jessica!   It’s funny but it’s a little bit weird when you meet up with a blogger who doesn’t blog about so much personal stuff, so I really didn’t know what to expect.  From the picture on her blog I thought she was about 29 or 30 – but turns out she’s 39 – she looks so young!  As she was leaving to meet me, she said her MIL wanted to explain what she was doing again, and she said “just meeting up with a girl I know from the internet!”  Not too creepy.  I think her husband said something like “hope you don’t get cut up into lots of pieces!”   We hit it off right away.  We met at The Spice Store – we are both foodies through and through!

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I loved that you could only buy an ounce of something to try it out – that’s some of my loot!  I guess The Spice House is an off-shoot of Penzey’s – like the family split and The Spice House was created after they separated.  All I know is the Penzey’s in Oak Park closed, so I was happy to stock up on some stuff.  We walked across the street to The Cheese Shop and oogled all the cheese!

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We ended up at AJ Bombers – known for their burgers.  There was a 30 minute wait, but we spent the time getting to know each other.  This place was cool because they had airplanes with peanuts in them and they would send them across parts of the restaurant and the peanuts would fill up a cup and you could eat them and throw the shells on the ground.

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As with most elite athletes, I am pretty sure they drink beer and have a burger before race day, no?!

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The conversation was easy, she uses the “f” word just as much as I do, and the evening quickly came and went – thank you so much for meeting up with me Jessica!  Next time I’ll come up to your neck of the woods!

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The burger though, needs it’s own bigger picture.  I paid $2 extra for grass fed beef and it was cooked medium rare, just the way I like it – it was messy, but delicious!  I’ve never had sliced fried pickles like that before either – super delish, and I got sweet potato chips on the side.

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I thought I would be too nervous to fall asleep, but at 10:30, I turned all the lights off, turned on my white noise machine – you can see a video of it here, which I think is funny because the video says that it helps put babies to sleep, but I need white noise when I sleep – if it’s a quiet room I just cannot fall asleep.  It worked like a charm.  I didn’t even move until my alarm went off at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday.

I am going to pace out my race weekend and will continue tomorrow with race day!   If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know that I finished!

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I loved having Monday to regroup before heading back to work.  I was surprisingly not as sore on Sunday as I thought I would have been – just the back of my calves were super sore and I spent a good 30 minutes in the hotel room Sunday morning stretching them out.

I will tell you though, shit got real though when I walked into Miller Park!


The kids and I got our cleaning pants on yesterday morning and got the house all nice and clean.  With three people it was done in about an hour – nice!   And after that we just lounges around, I went grocery shopping, and I last minute decided to do ribs for dinner last night with my copycat Rudy’s BBQ Sauce.  When I got my cheese loot from Cabot last week, it included some seasonings from Denny Mike’s.  I had never heard of that company before, but I used the Sublime Swine for the dry rub while the ribs cooked in the oven for 3 hours at 300 degrees.  It was so good!

We basically are going to be eating out of our fridge/freezer/pantry this week, so it should be interesting eats wise! 

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So stay tuned for the race day recap tomorrow – hope you had a great long weekend!  And thanks for all the cheers on Instagram and Facebook – I appreciated it so much!  Make it a great day!