It was a weird weather day yesterday.  Started out rainy, then threats of storms, then super cloudy then clear skies by the end of the day, only to get SUPER windy when I went to bed last night.  It was so awesome to be under all the covers and having that cold breeze coming in through the window.  I ended up making a spinach and egg white omelet at home then heated it up under the broiler toaster oven with some Cabot cheese.

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My co-worker asked if we were going to walk at lunch and looking at my weather app, it looked like it was going to storm from 11-2.  I had a work errand to run, so I told her I was just going to the gym.  Well, after my errand it looked like the rain might hold off, and I ended up walking the trail by my office for 40 minutes.

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I love the panoramic setting on my iPhone!  When I got back to work I told my friend that I cheated on her and walked without her ā€“ hopefully today the rain will stay away.  When I got back to work I realized that I had forgotten two key items for my lunch ā€“ my low carb tortilla wraps and baby spinach.  My plan was to make a leftover beef, black bean, corn and baby spinach burrito.  I looked in my work pantry and saw that I had a lone flatout wrap, so I decided to use that.  When it came out of the toaster oven, it kind of looked like ass, but I didnā€™t really have a backup.  The edges got really crispy so I couldnā€™t roll it up, so I ended up eating this with a knife and fork.  After I added some hot sauce, it actually didnā€™t taste too bad.  It just kind of looks like dog food!

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My boss gets an unwich from Jimmy Johnā€™s a couple times a week.  Itā€™s basically a turkey sandwich wrapped in lettuce vs. bread.  She always hands it to me and says ā€œcan you make this edible?!ā€   The first time I made her unwich into a salad I had a ton of stuff in my work pantry to kick it up ā€“ craisins, walnuts, apple, baby spinach from my lunch, etc.  But some days, like yesterday, I didnā€™t know how I was going to make it taste better.

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Well, I ended up adding diced apple, pecans, and some of my black beans and corn and I had some croutons in my pantry too ā€“ doesnā€™t look too bad!

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I had chest for strength yesterday ā€“ that routine took me just about 30 minutes.

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Then finished it off with 2 miles on the treadmill.

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Hannah was working last night, so Jacob and I enjoyed some pork!  When I was in Key West I bought a bunch of seasonings from Spice and Tea.  One of them was a Greek seasoning.  So I took our chops out, seasoned them with salt, pepper and the Greek seasoning and let them sit while I made our side dish.  I had a cooked baked potato in the fridge, so I chopped that up with a zucchini, sautĆ©ed that for a few minutes, then added 3/4 of a cup of homemade sauerkraut (thatā€™s almost gone ā€“ wah!).  I put that in a bowl, then added a bit of coconut oil in the pan, turned the heat up to medium high and seared the chops for 2 minutes a side, then put the burner to low, put a lid on it and cooked it just 5 more minutes.  While the chops rested, I made a quick pan sauce ā€“ 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon flour, 1/2 a cup of beef broth and a teaspoon of Dijon mustard.

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This dish was amazingly simple and delicious and I love the fact that it was ready in just about 20 minutes.  You may ask what Hannah had when she got home from work?  I made her homemade mac n cheese.  Am I a good Momma or what? 

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Hannah bought me a few workout tank tops and I wore this one yesterday:

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I really love it ā€“ itā€™s soft, and long (hate short shirts!) and I really like the message.  Itā€™s kind of how I feel now ā€“ like I am wandering, but I donā€™t necessarily feel lost if you know what I mean.  I am thankful for each day and try to focus on the positives of what I have and not what I donā€™t.  One of the women at my Momā€™s church (hi Mrs. P!) reads my blog every day.  Sheā€™s around my Momā€™s age, and she knows how hard losing Tony was for me.  She told me ā€œyou know, the pain never really goes away no matter how long ā€“ I still feel the loss of my husband and itā€™s been 48 years.ā€  She says the good ones make you feel the loss for a lifetime.  I nearly cried right then and there, but I got what she was saying. 

Do you feel you are wandering but not lost?