So we only got maybe 1/2 an inch of snow overnight, but then a lovely thing occurred as the temperatures dropped – black ice!   It normally takes me 10 or 15 minutes at the most, today took me 45 minutes!  I even tapped a car in front of me (no damage!) at a stop light it was so icy!

And then I heard we may get six inches of snow overnight tomorrow – no!  Why do we get 60 degree temperatures in February only to get more snow.   Wherever Tony and I retire to, it won’t be the midwest!

I am back to my eggs!  This mornings sammie is a Thomas light english muffin, 1.5 servings egg beaters, spinach (which you can’t see) .6 ounces muenster cheese, 1 ounce deli ham and fruit salad on the side.

with a tad of Tabasco!
with a tad of Tabasco!

Since I was just getting soup at the cafe and didn’t have any cash on me, I ended up buying a fruit salad to eat later – it was really good!  Only one slice of kiwi, I would have liked to have more!

Breakfast comes in at 355 calories, 9 fat and 51 carbs
Breakfast comes in at 355 calories, 9 fat and 51 carbs

Alright, morning break is over – see you at lunch for my BSI SOUP!