I know a few of you were concerned if I could keep up with 20,000 miles (thanks for proofing my blog Momma!) steps a day, day after day.  Well the answer to that is.  No.  I am in the final three days of my DietBet, final WI is on April 20, but I have declared Fridays to be my rest day.  A day to rejuvenate, drink Green tea, and I think I may even make a green monster smoothie for breakfast this morning, haven’t had one of those in a long time!

Breakfast was so good yesterday.  Sweet and Savory – the savory was a Bay’s English muffin with scrambled egg whites, a fried egg, an ounce of taco meat, spinach and of course cheese!  For dessert I had Chobani with strawberries and a couple chopped walnuts.  Breakfast comes in at 506 calories, 22 fat, 47 carbs, 6.2 fiber and 32 grams of protein.  #protein challenge!

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I went on my walk at lunch – right around 52 degrees – nice!

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Lunch was the last of my chili mac, so simple but delicious.

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I had strength on tap after work – chest.

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Before I started my workout I wanted to get my hair out of my face.  I had my pink headband and thought maybe I could get all my hair back into it.  I took a picture of how it looked and was shocked by all the grey hair I saw!  I guess I don’t see it in the mirror?  I think maybe I’ll have to start thinking of highlights to mask it.

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I finished off with 2.5 miles on the treadmill.

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I’ve declared Thursdays leftover night!  So I took some of the leftover pork carnitas and my chipotle bbq sauce and made tacos and grilled zucchini on the side.

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I ended up with decent steps for the day!

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Earlier in the day my step-son Joe put this on Instagram.  I love this picture of them – it was probably 2006?  I had forgotten how long Hannah’s hair was!

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So when I got home I had to put up my #tbt – to 2005 when we took the kids to Orlando for spring break.  They had this photo booth place where you could dress in character and then they charge you $$$ to buy the pictures, but this is priceless!  If anyone is wondering, that picture below is my goal weight – 140! Open-mouthed smile

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I just realized I am two years older than Tony was in the picture – he would have been 45 and I was 37.  I am so glad we have so many pictures, but in going through a lot of  them we don’t have a whole lot of us together – either I am taking a picture of him or he was taking a picture of me.  Our old computer though has a lot of pictures on it, but it doesn’t work very well.  I think I can take it to like Best Buy and see if they can get all the pictures off of it and put them on a flash drive – just think of all the fun throw back Thursay’s you’ll see – ha!

Alright, time to get this show on the road – happy Friday!  My sister-in-law and I are going on a trail walk on Sunday morning, then I have my Mom’s concert on Sunday and I am taking her out to dinner.  Check out the menu – what would you get?  (hint:  I may get the cheese and meat tray for my meal!)

Have a great weekend!  Follow me on Instagram if you want to keep up with me over the weekend.  My Bizzy Kitchen.  Hugs!