This Copycat Starbucks Lemon Loaf will jump to the top of the list of recipes to try.  

UPDATE!  I first wrote this recipe in 2015 and had comments of people who made it letting me know that while it tasted good, upon removing the loaf from the oven, the middle collapsed.  So I rewrote the recipe below – the rest of the post is from 2015 – you’re welcome!


Hannah and Jacob literally go to Starbucks every single day.  And sometimes twice in a day!  When they can go through the drive thru now and just say “it’s Hannah and Jacob” their drinks are ready by the time they pulled around.  Hannah LOVES the lemon loaf there.  She told Jacob that for her birthday she’d like him to pick up all the lemon loaf they had for the day and just intermittently feed her lemon loaf throughout the day and she would consider that birthday one of her best ever.

There are a few problems with Starbucks lemon loaf.

First, their lemon loaf  is $2.30 a slice.  Secondly,  each slice is 470 calories, 20 grams of fat and 68 grams of carbs!  Holy balls that’s a lot of calories for that slice of loaf!  I was rearranging my spice cabinet and realized I had lemon extract, and the idea to make a copycat starbucks lemon loaf.  Um, turns out I am not the first one to try that, so I looked at a bunch of recipes on Pinterest and then played around with some ingredients in the hopes of making it somewhat more nutritional, and of course, less expensive.  I am sure my whole recipe didn’t cost $2.30!

this is a photo of a copycat lemon loaf recipe from Starbucks

Copycat Starbucks Lemon Loaf

Yield: 10
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Total Time: 50 minutes

This Copycat Starbucks Lemon Loaf is so light, lemony and delicious and nearly 1/4 the calories of the coffee shop. Enjoy with some coffee or tea!


  • 1.5 cups flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup nonfat Greek yogurt
  • 1/2 cup cashew milk (any milk works!)
  • 1/2 cup no calorie sweetener (I used Truvia)
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 teaspoon lemon extract
  • 3 meyer lemons, zest and juice
  • 1 tablespoon avocado oil
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon cashew milk


  1. In a large bowl, mix the flour, baking powder, salt and Truvia.
  2. In a second bowl, mix the yogurt, eggs, milk, lemon juice, zest and oil and mix until the eggs are incorporated. Add the wet mixture to the dry mixture, and using a fork, mix just until combined. It will be light and fluffy.
  3. Spray loaf pan with avocado oil spray, pour the batter into a loaf pan. Tap the pan on the counter to get out any air bubbles in the batter and bake for 35-45 minutes at 350 degrees. I cooked mine to 45 minutes.
  4. Let cool before slicing.
  5. Mix the powdered sugar with the cashew milk and drizzle over the top.


On #teampurple and #teamblue, each slice is 3 points. On #teamgreen it's 4 points. If you count calories and macros, each slice is 102 calories, 2.9 fat, 20.6 carbs, 0 fiber and 4.7 protein

My version is not nearly as sweet as Starbucks, but with the glaze is sweet enough for me. Taste your batter before baking and see if you need to add more sweetener for your taste.

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

this is a photo of lemon loaf bread with a cup of hot tea

OMG – insulin worthy!!  Although not QUITE like Starbuck’s according to Hannah and Jacob, they said the frosting on their cake is really thick – not sure how to get an icing that thick?


Hannah and I desperately needed to spring up our toes – it had been nearly six months since my last pedicure and almost two years for Hannah!  Saturday morning we called a couple places and they were full, but lucked out on the third try.  When she asked what time we wanted the appointment I said we were flexible and she said “come right now?!”  Um, okay?!  So we got dressed really quick and got there in about 15 minutes.  To an empty salon with five Chinese women in aprons walking around.  As soon as we walked in the door, they started the massage chairs, filled the water, etc.  They did an amazing job and it lasted about 45 minutes from beginning to end, which they finished off with a neck message while your toes dried under the drier.  Nice touch – and $25 is a great price.  Here are our feet together – we picked different shades of grey – my foot on the right, Hannah’s on the left.

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So one of the things I’ve never done the whole time I was married to Tony, was research and buy cars.  That was Tony’s deal and he always did a great job.  Our last two cars we got in June of 2012.   We bought his Ford Focus, which will be paid off in December and my car was a 36 month lease, which required that I couldn’t drive more than 36,000 miles in that amount of time.  I pulled out my paperwork last week and realized it was actually a 39 month lease, which didn’t expire until September and I was already at 33,000 miles and knew there was no way I would make it to September driving only 3,000 miles.  I had done some research on cars last week and was planning to call the dealership this week to find out if I had any options.

Well, they called me!  Just as we were leaving to get our toes done.  He said that they had a two week program going on that would allow on people on a lease six months or less to trade in their car for 2015 models, and they would pay the remaining six payments I had.  Huh.  So I told him Hannah and I would drive in after our nail appointment.  After a couple test drives and waiting forever to actually get through financing because they only had two people doing the paperwork on a Saturday, three hours later, I drove home with this amazing car – meet my Nissan Juke!  Another huge change I’ve had since Tony passed away – I bought a car all by myself.

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It had five miles on it when I got it, and now has a whopping 28 after my weekend around town.

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It has tons of room in the back – this was after a Sam’s Club stock up run and grocery shopping:

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And I am loving the sunroof which I haven’t had since I traded in my Toyota Camry in 2001.  My car payment is $75 more, but since I won’t be paying $345 a month for Tony’s car in December, it totally works in my budget.  Here are the reasons I love to lease:

  1. You get a new car every 3 years.
  2. I don’t have to do any maintenance other than to get quarterly oil changes, which are free with the lease at the dealership – they already have me set up in their calendar and I’ll get a reminder email a week before and a day before the oil chance.
  3. Free car washes.
  4. You can get a much better car than you otherwise could afford if you were to pay for it intending to keep it.
  5. The features of a deluxe car you normally couldn’t afford if buying:  heated seats, bluetooth, in car navigation, google, Facebook, Pandora just to name a few.  And if I click the Facebook button at a stoplight and hit another button, it will read the post along with the comments – so cool.

So all in all, it was a great weekend.  I did my shopping, meal planned, got my clothes ready for the week and I also made some amazeball Chobani banana trail mix scones, but you’ll have to come back tomorrow for that recipe.  Aren’t I such a fucking tease?! Smile with tongue out

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Alright, off to get in a quick 30 minute walk before work – I thought I lost my fitbit over the weekend but finally found it in the bottom of the laundry basket last night – whew!  Gotta get those steps in – make it a great day!

p.s.  if you love Starbucks muesli bread, check out my copycat recipe here!