I have a dilemma.   It’s the DVR.  There are shows on there that Tony and I watched together, and I can’t yet watch those shows.  However, there were shows only Tony recorded for himself, and would usually watch during the day when I was at work.  I can’t seem to get myself to stop the recordings.  It’s feels to me like it’s just one more thing that reminds me that he isn’t here anymore.  It breaks my heart.  But it looks like the D
DVR is going to take care of it whether I like it or not.  I guess we have too many shows recorded and it’s going to start deleting the oldest ones.  Whale Wars was one of Tony’s favorite programs, but that show kind of drove me nuts after watching it just once.  A bunch of hippy kids floating around the sea trying to stop whale poaching.  I may not have a problem deleting that one.

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For some reason I wasn’t really hungry yesterday, so I ate a Kind bar and my coffee, and told myself if I was hungry later, I could eat something else, but I didn’t.  And you don’t have to tell me my snowman mug is cute because, duh, I already know that.

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I went to the gym.  Remember the guy at the gym that I told about Tony passing away?  He told the front office, and they sent me a nice condolence note.  The ladies at the front desk knew about Tony being in and out of the hospital, and when I walked in the both came around the front desk and hugged me and told me how sorry they were to hear about my loss.  I was SO close to just completely losing it, but I held it together.  So nice.  I ended up doing arms for strength and then finished with 2 miles on the treadmill.

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I still hadn’t done a full grocery shop, because I still have food in the house.  One of the last things Tony was able to eat and enjoy, even if he couldn’t eat it all, was Ramen soup bowls.  My Walmart sells these for only .29 cents so I think I probably bought Tony a dozen of them!  Not the healthiest thing in the world, but I had to run to Mariano’s after my workout to buy creamer for the office.  I am still trying to figure out my Christmas meal plan, and after seeing beef rib roast recipes, especially this one, I thought I’d check it out.  Um, no.  I’ve never seen a piece of meat that expensive before in my life.  And the sell by date was yesterday.  So I would have to freeze it, then thaw it for Christmas?  I decided I am going to do a sirloin tip roast, at a much more reasonable cost of $21, but do the same coffee rub on the link above.

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I decided to accessorize my soup with veggies from the salad bar.  That container is $1.27 worth of veggies and some extra cooked chicken. 

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While the noodles “cooked” in the hot water, I just chopped it all up – spinach, carrots, radishes, chick peas and chicken, then put them all together.  I also added some sriracha to the broth so it was really spicy and delicious.  I liked that the veggies still had some crunch to them.

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I wasn’t meeting my friend Alison until 6:30 yesterday for drinks and dinner, so I ended up finishing my Christmas shopping for my sisters family.  Can you believe I don’t have any plans for tonight?  Well, the plan is to wrap all the presents, so I think I’ll throw on some Christmas music tonight and knock out the wrapping.  And maybe I’ll have party pizza Friday!

The place we met at totally goes ALL out for all the holidays in the decorating department:

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They had Shock Top on tap, which I love.  I didn’t know until my friend told me that it’s a Bud product! 

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I had a taste for chicken wings – I ate 6 of the 8 – so spicy good!

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It was so good to catch up with her.  We met at a job nearly 10 years ago, but she’s been gone for 8 years, but she’s one of the ones I actually keep in touch with after we don’t work together anymore.  We laughed a lot and I know she was happy to have a 2 1/2 hour dinner with drinks without being interrupted by one of her two cute girls.  We were showing each other pictures on our phones, and she showed me a picture of her and her family at a wedding and as soon as I saw that picture I said “your boobs look great in that photo” and she said “um, I know, that’s why it’s our Christmas card picture this year!”  Gotta love it.  And she wouldn’t let me pay – so next time, it’s on me, okay?

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It’s another dreary day outside – I almost don’t remember what the sun looks like!  But at least we don’t have any snow, so I guess I can’t complaint too much. 

I have been flooded with such generosity from all of you, that in the spirit of the season, I want to pay it forward with a holiday giveaway.  I am sure like me, you’ll want to start paying more attention to what you eat and maybe throw a smoothie or two down your gullet a couple times a week.  So up for grabs today is a Ninja Professional Blender!  I’ve head good things about it, and that other than spending $500 + on a Vitamix, the best blender to crush ice, fruit and veggies the best.


Just leave a comment with a quick Christmas memory.  No raffle copter, no facebook or twitter links, just a simple comment.  I’ll pick a winner on Monday.  Have a great weekend!