I’m filling in today for my twin sister Biz.  I was thinking that a lot of her regular readers would want an update on everything going on.  Still no news to share about Tony.  But they are appreciative of all the thoughts and prayers people have offered!!

AND…with everything going on, she still wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

She will be taking a blog break while Tony is still in the hospital and will be updating everyone on Monday.


So what are some of the things you are making for Thanksgiving?  What’s your favorite side dish?  Mine is hands down super creamy mashed potatoes and gravy.

Do you have any funny mishaps in the kitchen?

I only started cooking an actual turkey about 3 years ago.  We’ve always gone somewhere where someone else cooked it (my Mom or mother-in-law, sister-in-laws).  So the first time I made a turkey, I was so excited.  It smelled great while cooking, looked gorgeous when it came out.  Then my husband started carving it and realized I left the “packet”  of pieces parts in the turkey!  The neck, the giblets and other guts (I don’t even know all the stuff in there!).  How gross is that?  Not the most pleasant thing to yank out at the dinner table!  LOL

So, from Biz, and me and our family – HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!