One of the good things about having a blog is the ability to look back and see when something happened.  You’d think that certain dates would stick in your mind, but I find myself from time to time looking back to see what year something actually happened.  For some reason I thought Tony’s colon cancer was in 2010, but low and behold, it was 2011.  So then I just started jumping all around at random posts.  Sometimes I feel like my day is so routine, nothing happens, but then I read back on some posts and smile at the memories that have been made.

One picture stopped me in my tracks though. 

flashback me 2013

That’s me – exactly one year ago today.  I was probably around 158 – had been going strong and keeping consistent for six months strong.  I looked back at the food I ate, and realize that I did eat some pretty tasty food, but it was a lot less carbs, and I only indulged in a couple not so healthy meals only once or twice a week at most.  I am going to try to find November 2013 Biz again if it kills me.  I’ve been emotionally eating lately and it has to stop.  I am going to be switching around my meal plans this week to see if I can jump start myself.  The one word missing in my vocabulary these last 11 months?  CONSISTENCY.  Not perfection, CONSISTENCY.   I was watching Biggest Loser last night and they had some NFL players who were retired, yet they still kept up with the working out to keep their bodies in shape, well after their playing time was over.  One of them said to the group “You don’t have to be good to start, just start to be good.”  That’s going to be my motto for next week.

Breakfast was one of my tried and true meals – breakfast tacos!  On the side with some fresh cut fruit.

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I worked through lunch to go to a doctor appointment with Tony.  I had the leftover mac n cheese I made earlier in the week, just tossed some bread crumbs and a bit more cheese on top and reheated it in the toaster oven.  The top got this nice crunchy cheesy topping, but underneath was super creamy.

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The perfect bite!

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I went back to work after Tony’s appointment and on my way home had to pick up a couple things at the store.   I felt like a salad, but I wanted to kick it up a bit, so I picked up one cooked chicken tender at my grocery store deli – set me back $1.30.  I ended up making a buffalo chicken salad – the best part is the dressing – 1 tablespoon ranch dressing with 1 tablespoon Frank’s hot sauce.  I could literally put that shit on everything.

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So happy Friday!  Question of the Day:   What do you do to get your mojo back?  Make it a great day!