Six weeks left people!  That’s all that’s left in our 101 days of summer challenge.  If you read my post yesterday, I am up 1.0 for the week.  I can blame it on not enough exercise, too much wine and maybe a couple extra bites of cheese during the week.

I had a goal of being 149 by Labor Day.  I am 158 now, so I need to lose 9 pounds in six weeks.  The only way I’ll get there is to buckle down, get back to basics and dig deep.

Goals for Week Eight:

  • 60 minutes of exercise a day
  • 3 days of strength training (which I hardly do)
  • 80 ounces of water per day
  • maintain blood sugar levels (they have been on the low side lately)
  • if I bite it I must write it!

How are you doing?  Are you on track for your summer goals?  Leave a comment and let us know how you are doing!

My Mom and SIL are coming over for Sunday supper.  We are fixing an Italian pasta meal with sausage and a big salad.  I have been a cleaning/cooking lady this morning – but now my house is clean and I have all my lunches prepared for the week:

  • Asian grilled chicken breast with broccoli slaw apple dried cherry salad
  • sweet potato gnocci with lentil bolognese
  • stuffed green peppers
  • chicken tikka masala with broccoli and brown rice
  • taco salad

Anything new on your menu this week?  Have a great Sunday!