First off, my bread turned out really good!  Although I think next time I’ll make a thicker loaf – but the flavor was really good!

adding mostly dried herbs, the only fresh herb I had was sage, and a little of that goes a long way
adding mostly dried herbs, the only fresh herb I had was sage, and a little of that goes a long way


My Mom’s trusty Kitchen Aid that I stole  she gave me.  It’s circa 1985 I am guessing??  Works like a charm!  Looks very similar to my friend Robin Sue’s Mom’s Mixer

After the second flip - mine looks just like Matt's!
After the second flip - mine looks just like Matt's!
Nice and crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside
Nice and crunchy on the outside, soft and chewy on the inside

So the chicken turned out really flavorful, crispy and juicy!  And this is from a whole chicken that had been frozen for 3 months and thawed in the fridge!  Gotta love this grocery challenge!!   I am using up so much good food!



The green beans are just drained canned green beans sauteed in a pan with about 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper and then tossed with chopped almonds at the end before serving – this way the almonds stay crunchy.


I didn’t figure out my calories per say, just the carbs.  I forgot to tell you that I ran at lunch today!!   40 minutes at 4.0 mph!  Definitely not going to win any races any time soon, but I was proud of myself!  So with exercise, I still had 750 calories to spend and I was no where near that.  I had 3 ounces of chicken breast with skin, 3/4 cup green beans and 2 ounces of bread with 1 tsp. smart balance.

So I did stop by the store on my way home tonight to pick up two ingredients in particular for my BSI recipe:  strawberries and ricotta cheese.   The dessert is ready to be put together, I am just waiting for Hannah to get home from school – she was an usher at tonights play performance at the high school.   I’ll post that later tonight.  It’s so good!

So I spent $7.99 for strawberries, ricotta cheese and 2 rolls for my mystery breakfast tomorrow!
So I spent $7.99 for strawberries, ricotta cheese and 2 rolls for my mystery breakfast tomorrow!

So that brings my total grocery shop to $14.28 which leaves me $5.72 for tomorrow.  AND I still have a lot of things to make out of my freezer and pantry!  Not sure if the family is liking this, but I sure am!

Here is a hint to my BSI recipe:

ricotta cheese, honey and cinnamon!
ricotta cheese, honey and cinnamon!

Off to watch the Office!  See you later for dessert!