It was one of those perfect crisp fall mornings yesterday.  Sun was shining, white clouds and a chilly 44 degrees.  One of my favorite things to do is ride with the windows down, but have the heat on in the car – it’s the perfect combination!  All that crisp air blowing my hair around made me feel so alive!

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I took the back roads to work yesterday.  So even though you see a car in front of me on the larger picture in this collage, I was able to stop my car and take a picture because no one was behind me.  Safety first!

My breakfast was kind of like a homemade Starbuck’s protein box.  I had an apple cinnamon Chobani (awesome by the way!), some grapes, a slice of cheese, an egg with spinach, some nuts and a slice of milk toast bread.

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This milk toast bread:

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You see last week I saw on Two Red Bowls she made this light as air bread called milk bread.  This was the photo she posted that made me want to make it . . . like now!


The dough was amazing.  You end up kneading in two tablespoons of butter into the dough before the first rise.  I love working with dough!  I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if money weren’t an object I would be a bread baker in a heart beat.  I’d get up early and bake bread and make lots of soups and drive a food truck!   A girl can dream.

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I was a bit worried because I thought after the first rise, the dough would have risen more, but having butter in it, I thought, maybe it will puff up when I bake it!  I nestled my four rolled up dough balls and put them to rest in my bread baking pan.  I fully expected the dough to puff up during the second rise, but not so much.

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So off to the oven I went!  I had high hopes for this bread.  I thought of how fluffy, slightly sweet it would be, and how it would make the most amazing French toast!

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But in the end?  I basically got four giant dinner rolls!  When I took this picture, the roll on the far left looks to have a sad face on it, almost to say “you didn’t make me right!”

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I thought back to what could have gone wrong, and my only thought is that I may have had my milk higher than 110 degrees, even though my thermometer read 108, and it killed the yeast.  I will definitely try this again though, it tasted really good though!

I tested my blood sugar and it was 194 – perfect!  I still only planned on walking on the treadmill.  I plan to kick up my workouts next week – my knee feels great!  But at 2 miles in, I could feel myself start to really sweat, and the gym was chilly and I was only walking at a 4.0 mph pace.  Damn.  My blood sugar was dropping.  I quickly got dressed, but as I was going up the stairs to get to my car, I wasn’t sure I’d make it that far.  Luckily they have a snack bar and I reached for a small Balance bar and yelled “put this on my monthly bill” and quickly started eating it.  I sat in my car for a few minutes, then got back to my desk.  I checked my blood sugar AFTER I ate the Balance bar and it was only up to 69 – it must have been really low then! 

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Over the weekend I made a pot of tortillas soup, only using leftover turkey breast that I had cooked in the oven from the weekend before.  Tony said he liked tortilla soup, but when I had him taste it, he said there was some flavor that he didn’t like, and he thought it would have been more chicken broth based.  No worries – it means more for me, I can freeze some for lunch next week.  I had mine topped with a bit of Cabot Alpine Cheddar cheese and a serving of tortilla chips on the side. 

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I I based my tortilla soup off of this recipe, except I left out the onion (duh) and didn’t add the corn or heavy cream, and I also used leftover turkey.  I love how the corn tortillas thicken up this soup!

I actually wasn’t sure what I was going to make for dinner, since that above soup was supposed to be a dinner with quesadillas.  When I told Tony that, he said “quesadillas sound good.”  But, he just wanted plain cheese.  Boring!  I cooked a sirloin tip roast on Sunday night, and I have a ton leftover.  So I decided to dice some up with some of the $1 rack red peppers I bought.  I quickly cooked the red pepper with a teaspoon of hot taco sauce, then tossed in the beef at the last minute, just to get the chill of the fridge off, because I knew it would cook some more when I made my quesadilla.  Then topped it with baby spinach and Cabot cheese Alpine cheddar cheese.  #eatmorecheese!

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And shitty dinner pictures, here we come!  I made an avocado dip in the side – just half an avocado mixed with some hot sauce and a teaspoon of sour cream.

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It was actually very tasty – the beef was still so tender.  I am making a beef and potato hash for breakfast this morning, and then using more of the beef to make beef and broccoli stir fry for lunch.  The rest I’ll slice up thin to make beef sandwiches with next week.  I always love how much mileage you get out of a beef roast.

It was Thursday football, so that meant Tony was occupied for the night.  I was downloading my pictures on the back computer when he went to the bathroom and announced “It’s recording a fat show!”  I forgot it was Biggest Loser night!  Not sure how into it I am this season, but I am sticking with it for now.  Anyone else watching it?  Not sure I like the new trainers.

Well I am happy it’s Friday already!   Hoping I have enough work to keep me busy today.  I am off to finish prepping my meals and then hitting the shower.  Normally I let my hair dry in the car with the windows rolled down, but I just checked the weather and it’s 38 degrees – bbbbrrrrr!!  I’ll be blow drying my hair today, thank you very much.

And since I had to cut my walk short at lunch because of “the sugars” I didn’t quite make my steps yesterday, but I plan on working out over the weekend, so I’ll make up for it.  So far this week I’ve gotten all my water in and haven’t snacked after dinner  – winning!

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Happy Friday – make it a great day!