So my first batch of Christmas Morning biscotti was a dud because of the baking soda used instead of baking powder.   The taste was okay, but it tasted more like a cookie or a muffin, and didn’t rise much at all.  I think Hannah is going to crumble them up to make yogurt parfaits.


But I redeemed myself when I made it right the second time!


So I was at the dollar store picking up a couple things and saw this:


I thought it could be a low carb snack for Tony (and only .55 cents a can!) until I read the ingredients:

Mechanically separated chicken, water, chicken skins, pork skins, corn syrup, pork speens, salt, pork stomachs and smoke flavoring!

Um, no thanks!  Here’s what they look like in the can:


But they make great dog treats!


Not sure what to make for dinner.  What are you having?