Yep, the football season has begun.  This is Tony’s favorite time of year hands down.  While he hates the fall and winter season, it is the season of football so that helps him get through the winter months.  So on Mondays, Thursdays and all day Sundays, I pretty much could dance around the house naked and Tony wouldn’t notice.  But he loves the game so much, I don’t mind one bit.  I can hang out with my Mom and Hannah, I can spend all day in the kitchen – it’s the season of Biz!  I’ve never been one of those women who drags their husbands shopping or anything like that.  I remember being at a Nordstrom’s one time when the Bears had a home game.  A guy was sitting on a bench outside the dressing room, holding his wife’s purse and I asked him “wouldn’t you rather be home watching the game?”  He said “yep!”

I ended up having the breakfast burrito yesterday that I wasn’t hungry for the day before.  I did my quick omelet at home – 1/2 cup egg beaters and baby spinach.  Put it in my non-stick skillet on low, put a lid on it.  Take a shower and when I come out it’s completely cooked.  I cut it in half when I got to work, but it in a low carb tortilla and put it in my panini maker with Cabot cheese.  Five minutes later, this deliciousness was ready to eat!  This meal is the perfect balance – 29% fat, 30% protein and 40% carbs, and only 333 calories for the whole plate.  Totally filling too.

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I tried to go to the gym, but there was construction on the road leading to the gym.  I waited like 7 minutes to get through, and then people started to turn around, and I did too.  I drove back to my work parking lot, put on my gym shoes and went on a walk.  I didn’t go to far because it looked like it could rain again any second.

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We had ribs on Labor Day when my Mom was over.  We had about 2/3 of a slab leftover, and I never really thought what to do with leftover ribs.  I always figured if you tried to reheat them, they’d be way overdone and tough.  So I ended up cutting all the meat off the bone, trimming the fat and put that in a ziploc with about a tablespoon of bbq sauce.  At work I put my panini together – rye bread, Cabot cheese white oak cheddar, the bbq sauce mixture and baby spinach.  Holy balls, so simple, but such a delicious sandwich.  The rye bread with caraway seeds really went well with the BBQ pork – and the meat was still super tender.

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Tony still had a taste for taco meat and Fritos for dinner.  I buy blue corn tortillas at our store – 2 dozen for .99 cents and make homemade tortilla chips – one of the advantages of leaving the deep fryer on the counter!  I ended up fixing us nachos – I had 8 tortilla chips, 2 ounces taco meat, shredded lettuce, baby spinach, diced tomatoes and sliced hot peppers.  I am not going to lie – I could have these one a week and never get sick of them.

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Our cable DVR box broke on Monday.  No reason for it, it was working just fine, but with the holiday we didn’t get the replacement box until yesterday, so all our shows that were DVR’d are gone.  I ended up watching Extreme Weight loss on demand, but sadly had to sit through the commercials.  We are so spoiled about not having to watch commercials when we DVR our shows!  I don’t know how we lived with 7 channels growing up!

I got all my steps in too:

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I loved all your comments on the blogs six birthday yesterday!   I forgot to mention that I’ll be picking the salsa winner on Monday – love starting a week out with that.  Just leave a comment on this post

Can’t believe it’s Friday already – quick week!  Hope the day goes by fast.  Maybe I can convince Tony to have Party Pizza Friday? Open-mouthed smile

Make it a great day!