of me posting my blog last night – we had such a fun day!  Hannah picked me up at 12:15 and we started heading to Oak Park.  We didn”t find ONE garage sale on our drive!  About 20 minutes in to the drive, we both decided we were hungry so we stopped here:


I almost got an Italian beef because it was their special of the day, but I ended up with a mini chicken wrap:

I added bbq sauce - it was really good!
I added bbq sauce - it was really good!

Then I saw as a side I could get hummus with pita chips.  I figured the pita chips would be crispy, but it was a warm pita – the hummus was roasted red pepper:


This place also has this:


So I made Hannah get one so I could have a couple bites!

I haven't had this kind of icecream in a long time - it was definitely worth an extra shot of insulin!
I haven't had this kind of icecream in a long time - it was definitely worth an extra shot of insulin!

Right by my Mom’s house is a candy factory called Ferrara Pan.  They have a small store where you can buy their candy really cheap.  Ferrara Pan is mostly know for Lemon Heads!


Most of their candy is $1.25 a pound so I may be purchased orange slices and big gum drops! 😀

We surprised my sister and stopped by her office for a few minutes, then headed the the Marion Street Cheese Market where I got cheese ends – I did get a few samples while there too!

I heart cheese :D
I heart cheese 😀

Next stop was a resale shop:



It was really big and eclectic – Hannah ended up with a couple shirts – I bought a pretty blue plate and some Bon Appetit magazines for a .25 a piece! 

Then a block down was Buzz Cafe!

Hannah and I used to go here quite frequently when we lived in Oak Park
Hannah and I used to go here quite frequently when we lived in Oak Park

We both got iced coffees with soy milk – mine had SF vanilla, Hannah got SF caramel:

this hit the spot - it wasn't too sweet
this hit the spot - it wasn't too sweet

Then it was time to meet up with my SIL and nieces at my Mom’s house – I still hadn’t made my Whole Foods run, so I took Hannah and my nieces Sarah and Rachel with me.


The girls went shopping at the other stores in this mini-mall, so I got to spend about 20 minutes just wandering.  I ended up stocking up on quinoa, I also saw red quinoa so I picked that up too.  Also I was able to buy my Annie’s Goddess Dressing for $1 less than I can at my local grocery store!

Then we headed back to Mom’s for her chicken and biscuits!


I had a glass of this before dinner, and one after dinner – it was a simple White table wine I picked up at Whole Foods for $6.99 – it was good!


The best part is that the cousins had such a good time together – since Sarah and Rachel live in Texas, they don’t all get to hang with each other that often!   Here is the gang!

Hannah is the oldest at 17, Sarah 16, Paul 13, Rachel 13, Mark 10 and Claire is 7
Hannah is the oldest at 17, Sarah 16, Paul 13, Rachel 13, Mark 10 and Claire is 7

It was a fun day – only problem is it felt like a Friday!!   Alright, have to get ready for work now – big storms last night – hopefully that will be the last of the rain today.  I’ll probably post breakfast with lunch now – see you then!