Yesterday was another “throw shit in a bag” food day for me. I kind of don’t mind those days – makes you get a bit creative I guess? Breakfast was the last of my blueberry pancakes – I must have gotten interrupted because this is the one and only shitty pic of breakfast, but it was tasty!
One of my co-workers asked if she could go walking with me and of course I said yes. I reminded her “don’t forget your walking shoes!” It got time to go, I said “I need to run to my car and get my shoes out of my bag.” I get to my car – no gym bag. What?! Yep, me – the one who walks or goes to the gym pretty much every day at lunch, forgot my bag! So I ended up wearing my flip-flops for our 3 mile walk. It worked!
And we saw a snake on our walk yesterday – first time I’ve seen one there!
I ended up making a taco salad for lunch – chopped Romaine, baby spinach, carrots, pickled radishes, taco meat, white beans – the only thing was that I had balsamic dressing at work and thought that would be gross. So after our trail walk I popped into Subway and for .50 cents bought some ranch to mix with hot sauce for my dressing.
So I usually talk to Tony around 11:30 every day just to touch base. I called and got voicemail, but left a message that said I was going on a walk. When I got back I called again, got the machine again. Huh. By 1:45 I called his cell phone – still no answer. By 2:00 I was really getting worried – I had never gone that long in a day without talking to him – and he had a blood test.
So I left work and drove home. You guys, I was a nervous wreck. I kept thinking “what if he fell on his way to the bathroom” and couldn’t get up. I kept going to worst case scenarios and then quickly trying to get them out of my head. When I walked in the back door, I could hear our turbo fan on in the bedroom – by now it’s 2:20 and because Tony turns off the bedroom light on the lamp next to his bed, I had to get a flash light to turn on the light. When I looked in the bed, he was flat on his back – sound asleep. I shook him awake and he was so confused, but thank God he was alright. I guess he couldn’t fall asleep the night before and had finally just zonked out around 4:00 a.m. – so he’d been asleep about 10 hours – the longest stretch of sleep in probably his whole life. Once I knew he was fine, I went back to work. Whew!
Tony asked for skinny bone in pork chops for dinner, so I did a quick stop at the store on my way home. They still had Cabot cheese on sale 2/$4! I had baked a couple potatoes over the weekend that were hanging out in the fridge, and decided to make twice baked potatoes on the side. I used the Farmhouse Reserve on my potato – holy cow is this cheese delicious. It’s super creamy on the tongue, but it has a bite to it. Love.
I tried to make dinner rolls on the side, but they turned out like ass. I tried to use a mixture of both whole wheat and regular flour, and well, let’s just say they not only looked like ass, but they tasted like ass too. Once I get more white flour I will try the recipe again. These basically went straight from the oven right into the garbage.
So yesterday on Instagram I did a #tbt (throw back Thursday for those of you who don’t know).
That was from the photo shoot I did last fall for Health Monitor Magazine – you can check out the article here. Anyway, I put a hash tag of #diabetes – and after I posted it, clicked on that hash tag only to find about a million posts using that hash tag – who knew?! So I flipped through some of them. But one caught my eye because her Instagram name was messed_up_dia. It was a picture of a glucose monitor – I clicked on it, and it said “this is not good. Need help. #diabetes #diabetessucks #diabulemia #thin #ana #depressed. I quickly learned that #ana is anorexia, but what I never heard of before was “diabulemia.” Well, it turns out that girls that have diabetes are withholding their insulin so that they have a rapid weight loss to stay thin. I had no idea that was an eating disorder, but it saddens me because while they might not feel the effects of what they are doing now, they are slowing killing themselves – once you start having symptoms like visions loss, nerve damage, etc., it’s too late – you can’t reverse it, only prevent it by managing it.
So I clicked on the #diabulemia hash tag and found another girl who posted a picture of her glucose meter – the number read 31.5 – which is SEVERELY low. She wrote “no wonder I feel like I’m dying. Ergh. Least I feel sick and don’t feel like eating. Might lose some weight now.” UPDATE! Um, turns out this girl is in the UK, so the conversion is different. I looked it up – her blood sugar is 550! They want to keep their blood sugar high so that they will lose weight. 🙁
I am in utter shock. Had any of you heard of this eating disorder before? I don’t think I could even type if my blood sugar was 31! It’s just so sad.
I ended up taking one more night off from Insanity, and my knee is all better! I forgot to tell you that I joined a gym by my house again for the weekends, especially as we head into fall and winter. They had a special offer for previous members – only $25 from Labor Day weekend through December 31! Couldn’t pass that one up! So I plan on hitting the gym this weekend. I still got my steps in though:
Well, time to get this show on the road – happy Friday! Does anyone have fun plans for Labor Day weekend? We don’t have anything specific, which is okay by me. Have a great weekend – hugs!
Glad that Tony was okay, I can totally understand your fear by not hearing from him. I would have had that too.
It’s sad that this happens with those girls and I don’t think social media has made this better over the years. Back in the old days, they didn’t have for example pro ana groups but now they have and they are driving each other to the limit in this. Very sad.
Diabulemia?!? That’s terrifying–but then again, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised because this is the Internet, after all.
Glad to hear Tony was OK–I get anxious when Michael gets uncommunicative during the day (usually because he’s away from his desk) so I can’t imagine how terrified you were!
I have a former brother I. Law that does this VERY thing with his sugars.
Here is my take-general population see weight loss as ALWAYS good. So you get LOTS Of positive feedback when you lose weight. When general pop does not realize, in my opinion, is that isn’t ALWAYS a good thing, especially if someone isn’t exercising at all-if you are not excercise, and you are losing weight, something is he really off-I think.
It is sad, sad state of affairs, the manipulation of sugars without thought of long term damage. 🙁
Glad Tony got some sleep!!
Glad Tony was okay!
Well, you know in my line of work – I hear everything. People who withhold insulin to lose weight, diabetics who just don’t care and don’t want to take insulin. These people end up in the ER and I type their reports. When you need meds for anything – don’t mess around. Take them because the consequences of not doing it can be death.
Congrats!!!! I am so excited for you. It is always a great feeling to cross something off the bucket list as completed. :)!!!!!!!!
SO glad Tony is ok! My goodness. But super glad he got so much sleep. Thats really sad about the eating disorder….On a lighter note- your dinners always look restaurant quality (even if the rolls didn’t turn out great). Awesome chef!
Diabulimia does not sound good at all. I could lose weight starving myself, but that is not the way to do it. You can hurt your body organs so much. I would be scared or nervous if my husband had been ill and wasn’t answering the phone, too. Things can happen when you least expect it. Glad to hear Tony was just getting his needed sleep. Anxious to hear about the contest results. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Glad Tony was OK – scary!!!
That disease sounds horrible – I can’t imagine people doing that!!!
Diabulimia?! Holy sh*t that’s horrible!! That Cabot cheese however, the Farmhouse Reserve? It’s SO good! I just tried it this week and it’s already gone…my middle child & I crushed it in record time 🙂
So I am not understanding…diabetes at all..(I call it the “numbers game”) If those girls with diabulemia keep their numbers high, (which is dangerous in the first place), just to lose weight. Why then, are we here in the US having to keep it low between 90-100 and we get fat…..uge….diabetes sure can be confusing. Or maybe I am just confused.
Sleep is good for Tony…glad he got the rest he needed, but scary for you, not knowing what to think when he did not answer his phone.
Cabot cheese is $5.00 + here in WI….wish I could find it for 2/4.00. Dairy products have gone up a lot lately, hard to figure cause we live in a state full of cows.
Nothing planned here, going to be a quiet weekend. So when do we hear that you won the contest????
Trying to catch up a little. Sending GIANT hugs to you and to Tony! What a rocky summer it has been for you both. Hang in there Vat!
I’m so glad Tony was OK. I’ve never heard of diabulemia. Wow! I’m not surprised, but it so frightening what people will do to lose weight. And you’re absolutely right about the long term effects…I hope that young lady is ok.
Glad Tony was OK, but I can only imagine your terror as you drove home. Whew!!!
Have a great weekend!
I would have done the same thing if my husband was not answering the phone. How could you have continued working that day!!??? Glad Tony is fine. Enjoy your long weekend!
Congratulations, Biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I’m soooo excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! ;-))
It’s amazing what the brain will do with the absence of information. I think absolutely everyone here can relate.
So glad Tony is okay!!! I need to do your pancake thing of making them ahead and eating during the week…I never have time to make a fun breakfast during the week and these look awesome!
PS. Did you enter the Cabot Cheese Recipe Contest?
Your trip home to check on Tony sounds like something I have done in the past with my daughter. It is funny how our brains start playing out all these bad scenarios. Glad he was okay and only resting. Cheese with a bite, mmmmmm. I will have to try that one. No huge plans for the weekend. I am going to attempt to finish clearing out our spare bedroom so we can get the ceramic tile installed. So sad about the diabulimia. I had a friend in school who went through an anorexic phase/disease/condition. It was scary what she did to loose weight and she was already so thin. Our society really needs to put an emphasis on a healthy weight not the media/movie star image of beauty.
That darn Cabot cheese in our area is around $3.50… I go back to Aldi’s cheese for $1.99. I will keep looking for sales. I love good cheese! NY even limits us to just a few coupons at a time……so much for Extreme Couponing. Miserable state!….sorry.
Oh my gosh – i have never heard of diabulimia, that is terrifying and so sad 🙁
Poor Tony – I really hope he starts to feel better. Such a rough time. I guess it’s good he was actually able to sleep though.
No plans for me for the weekend. Bobby’s recovering from a (planned) ear surgery so we are trying to keep it low key. Actually, our neighbor is having a BBQ so I’m going to go to that. Not sure if Bobby will feel up to it – he’s really dizzy!