I got to work last night.  They already schedules who works in the bar area, so I knew I wasn’t working the bar so it wouldn’t be too late of a night.  Wrong.  One of the servers called in sick so I got stuck in the bar.  My mind wasn’t geared up for it, but I’ve done pretty well in the bar area, so I just sucked it up.  But . . . it wasn’t busy.  I was actually prepared to run my ass off, but as it was, only three of the tables I waited on all night even ate.  Most came for one drink before eating in the dining room – or coming in for after dinner drinks.  My tabs were $15, $25, $13, etc. 

The best part of the night?  Seeing Mara and her husband!   Check out her awesome progress here.  This lady is half a pound shy of losing 70 pounds!  I nearly didn’t recognize her when she waved to me by the front door!

me and Mara

I ended up getting out of there around 12:15, which means I got home around 1.  We didn’t go to bed until after 2 p.m. – we are too old for that! Open-mouthed smile

Luckily I switched the schedule next week and I am only working in the dining room next week.  Quick recap of the day:

Breakfast Baked Potato:

mara 001

I swam at lunch.  There were kids having swimming lessons on either side of my lane so it was cute to see them try to put their faces in the water.  Made for an entertaining 40 minute swim!  I cannot wait to be sitting in one of these outside though!

mara 002

I picked up pie for Pi Day – my boss thought that was so cool – she came up with the idea and gave me money to buy them – I didn’t have any, but got a large veggie chili for lunch.

mara 003

Hopefully within the next week or so all our snow will melt.  This is what it looked like in the parking lot of the restaurant – just gross and dirty snow.

mara 005

So I am jumping in the shower and Tony is dropping me off at the train in 45 minutes to go downtown to meet up with my Mom and sister for a show and food at Eataly.  It’s sunny and 37 degrees – I’ll take it!  I’ll probably get a few miles of walking in to walking from the train station to the theater and back – nice!

Hope you have a great weekend.  Follow me on Instagram at mybizzykitchen if you want to follow my day today.  See you Monday!