How did my daughter turn 22 years old already??  I swear it feels just like yesterday that she was born.  It’s funny but when I was little I thought I would have tons of kids.   I’d be the stereotypical stay at home Mom.  I’d have fun crafts and make fresh bread every day.

But, turns out if the father of your child doesn’t want anything to do with you – that little life I dreamed of went away rather quickly.  And when I looked at her I wondered how I could ever love another child more than her.  She was already the cutest, funniest, beautiful and fun child – there was no one else to compare with her.   She was all I ever needed.  Just one child.

And I actually wouldn’t have changed a thing.  When it was just me and her (er, well my Mom and Dad too from birth to 5 years!) we relied on each other and I think made Hannah the independent woman she is today.  She’s got two more semesters of college before she graduates.  She is being promoted at her job this summer and will be working full time training new employees.  I think they love the fact that she’s a neat freak!

Sadly I don’t see her as much as I wish I could – even though we are only an hour and fifteen minute drive from each other.  The times I am off work, she’s working and the times she’s off work I’m working.

But, I’ll see her on Sunday!  We are meeting up at Pinstripes with her and her friends for food, fun and bowling!  Can’t wait to see that 22 year old face.


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I hope you have a great day Hannah!  I can’t wait to see what your future holds, but I know you’ll be successful because of your dedication and hard work.  I am just proud to be your Momma!  I love you!

Love, Mom