I felt like Meghann today with my breakfast!  Not your typical Biz breakfast at all – still haven’t gone to the grocery store yet, but I love how I have to think outside the box 😀

I made oatmeal!  With fresh strawberries and a tablespoon of no sugar added peanut butter.  This actually kept me full for a long time – the only thing is that right before I went to work out, my blood sugar was 235 – I must not have taken enough insulin 🙁

299 calories, 42 carbs, 10.5 protein, 11 fat and 8 fiber

Errign is going to laugh at this.  I’ve been doing the high tech exercise bike at the gym.   I love doing this bike because its challenging – but I was getting a bit bored because the longest ride was 4.4 miles and there were only 5 or 6 trails to chose from.  Um, turns out you have to scroll to the right to get to the more challenging rides!  There are 30+ trails!

In order to kick myself into gear, I chose a ride called “Oh Mama” but I might have just called it “Oh Shit!”  I didn’t realize the hill climb on this ride – 2 giant ones over the course of an 8 mile ride – both of them with an incline of 37%!  It took me 46:00 minutes and I was a sweaty mess after that ride!  It felt good 😀

Lunch was another “what is in the fridge?”  Tony made cheese tortellini while I was gone, so 1 cup of that became the base.  Then I diced up 2 ounces of leftover chicken, 1/4 of a red pepper, 2 cups of baby spinach and 1/2 cup of our homemade marinara.  It turned out delicious!

564 calories, 72 carbs, 37 protien 13.5 fat and 9.1 fiber

One of my co-workers was having a smoked meat party for his wife’s birthday.  I gave him my North Carolina BBQ sauce – the only thing he did was add mustard powder and a touch of cayenne pepper to kick up the heat – but it got rave reviews! 😀

He brought me some to taste – loves me some pulled pork!

I did get a bit snackish in the late afternoon – I need to pick up some almonds for my desk drawer:

110 calories, 23 carbs, 3.3 protein, .7 fat, .7 fiber

We needed a few things from Sam’s Club and Tony picked up this for dinner.  We’ve never been disappointed in their marinated pork loins!  My favorite though is an Asiago cheese/pear marinate – we don’t see it too often though!

When the pork got to 120 degrees, I put on the asparagus with garlic cloves.  I just tossed the asparagus in a touch of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt and pepper.

While dinner was cooking I had a chance to pick some of my herbs – they are growing so well this year!

I pull pork off at 150 and let it rest a few minutes before cutting - so tender and juicy!
336 calories, 37 carbs, 35 protein, 4.5 fat and 2.3 fiber

Stats for Monday

  • 1,305 calories, 174 carbs, 86 protein, 30 fat and20 fiber
  • 46 minute 8 mile bike ride – mostly hills!

I had a great day yesterday – drank all my water which helped a lot – I still need to remind myself to drink water!

Tony and I are having a weeknight date night!  We are going to see Toy Story 3 at Joe’s high end movie theater.  Is it sad that we want to see a kids movie and hope there aren’t any kids at this theater?! 😀

Off to do 30-day shred – I am liking this getting up early stuff!