I told Tony on Sunday that I was going to be getting up and working out before work again. That way life won’t get in the way and I can at least have one workout done. Um, turns out if you drink wine, stay up to watch the Oscars and not do a blog post for the next day, that’s not going to happen. Oh well, one last day to enjoy the time spent at home drinking coffee and blogging before work.
I realize I need to stick to a schedule. Work out before work – strength train. Do T-25/swim/stair master/whatever at lunch. Mostly just to get away from my desk. Then at night spend 30-45 minutes on doing my blog post for the next day and packing my food/gym bag for the next day. It’s completely doable – I just need to keep up with it!
I love pancakes for breakfast, but I’ve realized that I need more protein with breakfast – I was actually starting to get hungry already even before my lunch time workout. I used Recipe Girl’s Recipe – the only thing I did differently was add 1/4 cup of 2% milk – my batter was really almost too thick before I added the milk. This made 5 good size pancakes – I used my 1/3 cup measure. Each pancake – 98 calories, 2 fat, 14 carbs, 6 protein and .7 fiber. This picture is not in focus, but these were really tasty.
One the side I had 1.5 ounces of deli ham and a cup of mixed fruit.
I decided to do a treadmill interval workout at lunch. It’s been so long since I have run. Holy cow am I out of shape! I ended up using this program – except my sprints were only 1 minute long, not 2 minutes.
I am loving my new shoes – I told Tony it’s as if I am not wearing any and I have no foot or knee pain after I run – love it!
I was more than ready to eat lunch by the time I got back from the gym. At the restaurant, one of the dishes that is the Chef’s favorite is stuffed baby peppers. As luck would have it, last week my store had these baby peppers on sale for .99 a bag.
I made spaghetti squash on Sunday and put two cups of the squash in one container, the sauce and peppers in another. I heated it up at work in my baby casserole dish and this was super delicious. The peppers had just a touch of bite to them, and the crushed red pepper kicked it up a notch. I could have used more sauce though!
Whenever my store sells chicken breasts for $1.99 a pound, I usually have a couple chicken dishes that week. Tony will be making his famous fried rice one night this week. I decided to make this Rosemary Lemon Chicken with Cauliflower Gratin. Except I used 5 ounce pieces of chicken breast for each of us, and I reduced the chicken broth to 1 cup. For the chicken – it comes in at 327 calories, 5.1 carbs, 49 protein, 11.9 fat and .9 fiber. The cauliflower gratin (which makes 6 servings) comes in at 216 calories, 16 fat, 11 protein, 11 fat and 1.6 fiber.
I love, love, loved this rosemary lemon sauce. The lemons just brighten up the dish.
And since I didn’t get my ass out of bed before work, I had 25 more minutes of exercise to do, so T-25 fit the bill. I ended up doing lower body and was super sweaty at the end. I am definitely feeling sore in my quads this morning! I am headed to the gym for upper body strength, and I plan on swimming at lunch today.
Stats for the Day:
- 1817 calories (almonds eaten after workout not shown)
- 194 carbs, 118 protein, 68 fat and 16 fiber
- 35 minute treadmill at lunch
- 25 minutes of T-25 after dinner
Make it a great day!
Oooh, those stuffed peppers look awesome!!! Love!
Good shoes are the most important thing when you workout. Clothes don’t matter but shoes do. Glad to hear you like your new ones so much.
You know working out in the morning works for me. We are having such lovely weather these days it immediately gave me more energy and I didn’t skip one workout this week and walked every day in the evening. It’s amazing what a little sunshine can do for your mood. So my wish for you: sunshine soon!
I always see those cute peppers at the store and never thought of what could be done with them…what a great idea!!
This is one of my all time favorite chicken breast recipes. I use bone in breasts which keeps things tendy and juicy. I have used boneless skinless as well and it is also delicious:
That looks delicious Christina! And I too like bone in chicken breasts, but this week boneless were cheaper.
There is nothing better than comfortable shoes. I’m glad you found a great pair. I love those bags of mini peppers. I munch on the straight from the bag, but your stuffed peppers look delicious. I wish I could like spaghetti squash, but I’ve tried it a number of times and I just don’t care for it. I think it’s a texture thing. Nice job on the run!
I have to have my spaghetti squash on the crunchy side – if it’s cooked too much, I don’t like it either. I just microwave it for 7 minutes. Let it cool, put it in the fridge and I don’t cut it open to scrape until the next day – perfect every time!
Lately I’ve been needing more protein, too – I keep feeling light headed at random times – not cool!
Lemon & rosemary are 2 of my favorite flavors with chicken – gonna try that recipe soon!!
I love the lemon/rosemary combo too – not sure why I don’t make it more often! I can’t wait to start grilling again!
I need to be on a schedule, too. Otherwise I just throw the shit out the window and say heck to it all!! Lol.
Yep, that’s the only way it’s going to happen.
Awesome to hear the shoes are going well!!
We do the same with chicken. We’re lucky enough to have a separate stand-up freezer downstairs so we can stock up when it’s only $1.99/lb. We scored 2 weeks ago when they had it for $1.79/lb so we bought 9 lb! LOL We portion them out, 2 breasts per freezer bag, date them and throw them in the freezer.
I have one store that a couple times a years sells their chicken breasts for .99 cents a pound, but you have to buy ten pounds – totally worth the work though!
Oh absolutely!! That’s awesome!!
What a great idea for the mini peppers! Those look amazing!
Thanks! Your dog Bella is so fricken cute!!
Glad you are seeing such a difference with the shoes – see, Helen and I weren’t kidding when we say that getting fitted for running/workout shoes is important!
Yep – I owe you guys one!
I KNEW you would feel a difference if you got properly fitted for shoes! So glad that is working out for you!
The only way I survive getting up early to work out is to get my butt to bed early as well. I try to get in bed by 8:30 so that I’m sound asleep by 9 – that 4 am alarm will get turned off in a hot second if I don’t do that. Yes, it means I DVR a lot of the shows I like to watch but for me, getting exercise done in the morning is the only way to go.
I don’t know if I could ever get up at 4:00 a.m. – yesterday I didn’t even leave for the gym until 7:00 – got there are 7:45 – and still had an hour before I had to be to work!
I am kicking myself for not getting better shoes sooner – so worth it!
I always forget about stuffed peppers. I don’t know why because I really enjoy them. Stuffing them with ricotta sounds like a nice change of pace from a rice stuffing. Why is it that is seems so hard to get the protein in the morning meal. I think most breakfast foods are more carb based. I have been eating your yummy broc/egg/cheese cups so far this week. Thanks again for the recipe.
So glad you are loving the broccoli cheese cups – I need to make another batch soon!
Way to go on the run, Biz!
Thanks Carrie – loving my shoes!
Good plan Biz! Give yourself a break – it’s really hard to get up extra early and haul ass out of bed to exercise when the temps are below zero! I know, I know – we can’t use the weather for an excuse for everything, but come on! Enough of this shit! OK – rant is done. Time to move on. So now it’s March and lent is starting, so it’s a great time to make a plan and stick to it! I’m doing the same! Committing to some exercise everyday and sticking to WW plan, otherwise I have to do some penance – haven’t figured that part out yet. Sorry to go on and on – this sounds like I should have posted on the ‘healthy’ group. Oh well – have a GREAT day! Happy Fat Tuesday – last chance to party in a vat of doughnuts;)
Rant away Lynne! I nearly cried when I saw 3+ inches of snow on my car that fell overnight. So done with this winter!!