Okay, I just posted this – sorry if you get a second email if you subscribe, but even after I saved it and published, only the first 1/4 of it got published. šŸ™  So here we go again. šŸ˜€

My sister belongs to a Mom’s chat board for lack of a better word called Mom Mail.  A mom was looking to host a cooking party birthday party for her 12 year old daughter.  Only problem was that the Mom doesn’t cook very much.  My sister jumped at the chance, and after emailing back and forth with the birthday Mom, I decided to join in the fun as well.

A night out, hanging with my sister, meeting new people AND cooking?  Um, yes please!

The kitchen was gorgeous – Bosch convection oven, awesome cooktop, an island with a sink – heaven. šŸ˜€

The birthday girl and her Mom had the cutest place settings:

We split the groups in two – I took one team and my sister took the other.  Appetizer course were chicken potstickers.  Each group made a “judges table” plate.

My group made Chicago Style Deep Dish pizza, while my sisters group used my no rise pizza dough for thin crust.  I made the deep dish crust at home and brought it with because it needed to rise.

Debbi, you’ll be happy to know that all the girls loved onions! šŸ˜€

In the whirl of activity I forgot to take a picture of the cooked deep dish pizza, or any of our dessert which were crepes with fresh strawberries, bananas, chocolate sauce and whipped cream.

And I didn’t get a group shot of the girls either.  All in all I think it went really well.  The Mom wanted the food portion to be from 6 to 8.  We got there at 5:30 to do a bit of prep work and we were done by 8:03.  I had a great time.

Are you ready for some football?  Since our Chicago Bears sucked this year, I am only watching for the commercials.  Question of the Day:  Do you stay home to watch the game, go to a Superbowl party, or just watch a Lifetime movie?

Enjoy your Sunday!