are always busy ones!  I don’t know if its because I am rested, and have more energy?  

Lucky for me, the blackberries were still on sale this weekend!  So I had blackberry/coconut/trail mix oatmeal.


So I am sitting at my desk, when all of a sudden I feel my cheeks get hot and I start to sweat – sure sign of low blood sugar!  Yep, checked it and it was 53 and falling!  So I heated up my lunch.  I ended up eating one taco, then only taking insulin for the second one.  We’ll see how that works!


I had a salad on the side with Annie’s Green Garlic dressing.  Not sure if I like it though!


Hope everyone is having a good start to their week.  I only have this week and then I am off all next week!  Can’t wait!  See you at dinner!