Good morning!  I have the day off from my day job today.  I knew it was going to be a crazy busy weekend at the restaurant, so I decided to take the day off to spend it with Tony, otherwise I wouldn’t have seen him much at all today.

We are back to breakfast tacos!  I actually think I am going to make a bunch of these over the weekend for just grab and go breakfast next week.  Although I’ll use more egg white – I was totally out so these are two eggs, 3 slices of ham, baby spinach, an ounce of cheese and 3 ultra thin mission tortillas.  I pan fried them in about 1/2 teaspoon coconut oil and Pam.

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I had planned on swimming again, but the pool was so crowded for some reason.  Homey don’t share swim lanes too well – I am a slow swimmer.  So I ended up watching The Chew and biking 9 miles.  This was at the end of my ride – I don’t like Anne Burrell – she’s kind of a condescending cook to me.

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I ended up bringing the leftovers of the chicken and dumplings to work.  I’ve had several blog readers make it and e-mail me that it turned out great for them – love it!  I decided to try the convection microwave button (vs. the convection bake button) on our new microwave at work.  I cooked this for 3 minutes.

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I love this mini LeCrueset dish!  I think I got it at T.J. Maxx for like $4.99?

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It worked great! The chicken and veggies were nice and hot and the biscuit was again crunchy on top, but soft on the bottom.  So good.

I had bay scallops in the freezer, so I decided to make a scallop/orzo dish for dinner.  There is really no recipe for this.  I thawed the bay scallops under water for a few minutes, separated them and squeezed them dry in a paper towel.  Meanwhile I cooked the orzo – only takes 5 minutes to cook.  While the orzo cooked, I pan fried the scallops in about a teaspoon of butter and a teaspoon of olive oil.  Once I drained the orzo, I put it back into the pan, drizzled with about a teaspoon of extra light olive oil, a little butter, Parmesan cheese, salt, pepper, Italian seasoning, the squeeze from half a lemon and about a teaspoon of lemon zest – and for me – chopped fresh spinach.

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With some crusty bread on the side – this came together in less than 20 minutes.  #winning!

Tony and I usually don’t exchange gifts for V-Day, but I did find him this card – perfect for us!!  Hahahaha!

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And he bought me flowers and wrote a nice note.  Tony has lots of nicknames for me – Bazey being one of them. Open-mouthed smile

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And I am happy to report that as of yesterday morning, I am a Great Aunt!  My nephew and his wife welcomed baby boy Maddux!  Just under 8 pounds.  Unfortunately she was in labor for more than 36 hours before they decided to do a c-section.  My SIL made it there just in time and will be spending the week there.  They will go home from the hospital on Saturday, but all are healthy!

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I do have some laundry to do, but other than that, we are going to take it easy today, go out to lunch and just hang out – sounds like the perfect Friday to me! 

Do you celebrate V-Day?  Do you go out to a restaurant?  I know we’ve been booked for this whole weekend for over two weeks – big bucks, no whammies!  Make it a great day!