Yesterday morning I thought for sure it was Kyle the squirrel looking for food by the back door.  I put out more granola.  Yep, I even put it in a dish! 

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Turns out it was an interloper.  Every time I opened the door to take a picture, the squirrel ran away.   If it were Kyle, she would have greeted me at the back door!

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I know it’s January in Chicagoland, but I am really, really getting tired of winter.  Seems like we start to catch a break and have temps near 30, only to have more snow and this morning sub zero temps.  Right now it’s 1 degree, but with the wind chill feels like –20.  Our high today?  Seven fricken degrees!   Tony and I keep talking about where we’d like to live when we retire – some place that doesn’t get too cold, or too hot.  Have any suggestions??!!   Where would you retire to?

Breakfast was an egg white and zucchini breakfast taco with a 100 calorie pack of Wholly Guacamole and some grapes on the side.

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I was meeting Hannah for lunch at a new place to me called Wok n Fire.  Tony and I used to go to this place when it was called Nozumi.   They had the best calamari fries!


One day a few months back we went to go eat there, only to have a sign say “Wok n Fire . . . Coming Soon!”

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I of course already looked at the menu and knew what I was going to get – the red Thai curry stir fry with tofu and brown rice.  Hannah got the Pad Thai.

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Um, I ate every bite.  Well, except for the icky green onions – I quickly took those off and garnished Hannah’s plate with them – she loves them.  The sauce was so flavorful and I liked that it wasn’t swimming in sauce, just enough to coat everything.  The prices were reasonable too – most dishes were around $8.95.  We don’t do sushi, but it must be good because nearly every table around us got it!  Sadly, it went by all too quickly and I had to get back to work – it was great seeing you Hannah – next time we’ll plan a longer visit!

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Last week Tony was on Facebook when he saw one of his friends pin a recipe from Pinterest and he said “this looks kinda good!”   I quickly put it on the menu for this week!   One Pot Cheezy Smoked Sausage.

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This dish couldn’t have been easier to put together.   It was literally ready in about 15 minutes – perfect for a night when you have to get dinner on the table fast.

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I ended up adding a cup of baby spinach to my pasta and crushed red pepper because I thought it was a bit bland without it.  The smoked sausage I got was just okay too – one that was a bit more flavorful would have helped with the dish, but it wasn’t too bad.

I had to laugh yesterday because I saw a few search terms that people used that found my blog somehow:

  1. Ham Hock Ass (3 searches) and
  2. Getting Piss Busy in My Kitchen  and my favorite . . .
  3. Kath Younger Annoying  (Ha!  – if you haven’t seen it, here’s my post about Kath Eats)

And check out this guest post on Courtney’s blog!   Courtney is the SIL of one of my attorneys I work for.  Courtney is on vacation, so her SIL (my bosses wife) did a guest post.  I guess they make my chicken tikka masala most Friday nights – love it!

Alright – I am off to brave the elements and get to the gym before work.  I was actually okay with taking a rest day yesterday!  Make it a great day!