For some reason yesterday morning, I was not hungry.  That hardly ever happens.  I almost always wake up with a growling stomach.  So around 9:30 I finally ate a Chobani.

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And then around 11:30 I ate some watermelon.

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Before my workout my blood sugar was 236 – perfect!  When I got to the pool I thought both the indoor and outdoor pool were closed, but it’s just the indoor pool that is closed this week for maintenance and cleaning.

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Now even the kindergarteners are back in school so it was just me and one Mom and her 2 year old in the zero depth pool.  #loveit.

I swam my usual 30 minutes and when I got out of the pool I was hangry!  I had a cup and a half of black bean soup and I made chicken spinach nachos with some of the leftover grilled chicken we made over the weekend.

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My black bean soup was so easy – I made WAY too many seasoned black beans the week before.  I took 4 cups of the beans, put that with four cups of chicken broth, and threw in 1 whole chipotle pepper.  Pureed and then added the corn off of two cobs of corn we never ate last week. 

My treats I brought to work?  I had so much hope!  The banana bread started out with Chobani, peanut butter and banana cream pudding – how bad could that be?

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The batter was so creamy!

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But even though the outside was pulling away from the sides and it looked like it was getting too dark, I pulled it out of the oven.  It looked fine until it cooled and the whole center fell.  It was undercooked. Sad smile

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It even had a crunchy peanut butter glaze, but only 4 pieces were eaten, and I am sure after the first bite they through it out.  It’s the thought though, right?!

I am super proud of myself – around noon more treats were brought out – lots of cheese, salami, crackers.  Guess what I did?  I walked on by! 

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I am following a girl on Instagram called MShelllll (yes, that is 5 L’s!)  You can find her at MShell Fitness.  While I am totally NOT into female bodybuilding, she does have some good workouts that I want to follow.  Anywho. she posted a short video on Instagram a while back that said β€œdon’t use food as a treat – you are not a dog.”   It suddenly dawned on me that I would do that all the time.

If I had a good workout, I deserved a third (or fourth!) piece of pizza.  Or maybe I could have that piece of cake because β€œI’ve been so good at the gym.”  Well you can’t lose weight if you work out and then β€œtreat” yourself to stuff so you never see the benefit of the workout in the first place.  Which is probably why I’ve pretty much maintained (well, or gained earlier this year) the last five years of this blog. #lightbulbmoment

It was hot yesterday – finally feels like summer!  Tony and I sat outside for almost an hour because it was cooler outside than it was in the house.  We finally decided to turn the air on – had we left it off it would have been like doing hot yoga, but Insanity style!

Dinner was super quick – Tony and I split a grilled Italian sausage, each had 5 cheese ravioli (serving size – 230 calories) and I added baby spinach and marinara sauce to mine – Tony no likey the red sauce, so he has some butter and Parmesan cheese.  I could do shots of red sauce! Open-mouthed smile

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While we ate dinner we watched this weeks episode of Ray Donovan.  It’s really getting good!  Then it was Pure Cardio – it’s only 39 minutes long, but it’s a tough one.  But I am happy to say, as I reach almost day 90 of Insanity, I can do the whole thing 110%!

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Stats for the Day:

  • 30 minute swim
  • 39 minute Pure Cardio Insanity
  • 1204 calories, 40 fat, 136 carbs, 16 fiber and 74 protein
  • 45% of calories from carbs, 31% from fat and 24% from protein

It’s funny because I’ve been doing Insanity for so long, I can pretty much say all of Shaun T’s phrases – after pure cardio, he drops to the ground and says β€œThat shit is bananas, yo!”  Okay, maybe I just put the word β€œshit”in there, but it works, okay?! Open-mouthed smile

My calories were a bit low yesterday, so I’ll bump that up today.  I actually think it’s good for your body not to feed it exactly the same amount of calories every day – keeps it guessing!

Question of the Day: How often do you reward yourself with food treats?

Make it a great day!