With the over six pound weight gain, it became painfully obvious that I NEED to workout before work, otherwise life gets in the way and who knows.  When my alarm went off at 6:15 yesterday morning, I turned off the alarm, put on my glasses, threw my hair back in a ponytail and I was out the bedroom door before I even had a second thought to climb back under the covers.  Which is what I really wanted to do when it was still dark outside!

But, my bags were packed, my food was packed – just made a quick cup of coffee and grabbed a Balance Bar.

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Um, can I tell you this was delicious!  It tasted like I was eating a candy bar!


So here’s the deal about working out in the morning.  I have to eat something for fuel AND I have to take a little bit of insulin.  Last night before bed my blood sugar was 122.  I took my night time insulin and yesterday morning it was 124.  Nice!  Usually if my blood sugar was 124 at lunch I’d be f_cked – it wouldn’t be high enough and it would drop like a stone.  But therein lies the weirdness of diabetes.  Whatever happens overnight (still don’t know exactly) is weird – at 124 I took 5 units of insulin, ate that Balance bar, worked out for a solid hour and afterwards?  My blood sugar was 136 – awesome!

My workout?  Kris Gethin’s 12 week program off of Bodybuilding.com.  Um, at first glance I thought it read “Get Thin 12 week program” – ha!  And this is Day 1 of a 12 week program!

  • Cardio: 20 min
  • Leg Press: 4-5 warm-up sets of 10-12 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-20 reps
  • Hamstring Curl: 2 warm-up sets of 15 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-15 reps
  • Lying Hamstring Curl: 2 warm-up sets of 15 reps, 3 sets to failure in 12-15 reps
  • Leg Extensions: 2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps, 2 sets to failure in 15-20 reps
  • Hack Squat: 2 warm-up sets of 15-20 reps, 3 sets to failure in 20-30 reps
  • Cardio: 20 min

I did 20 minutes on the treadmill – first 15 minutes walked at 3.8, then ran the last 5 minutes at 5.5.

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Okay, herein lies the problem – I have no idea what the difference is between a hamstring curl and a lying hamstring curl – I only found a machine for the lying one, so that’s what I did, so I cut my strength short by one exercise.  That set, minus the one hamstring, took me 20 minutes.  And it was the first time I did the hack squat machine – I liked it!  Then finished off with a 20 minute bike ride.

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I survived my first morning workout in weeks!
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And the sky was so pretty on the way to the gym – no filter!

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Breakfast was a repeat – broccoli ham quiche with honeydew melon.  I actually didn’t eat this until nearly 10:00 a.m. because I was still full from the Balance Bar!

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My morning went by fast.  Before I knew it, it was time to head back to the gym.  I have to say, that the 30 minute swim at lunch totally stretches out my muscles after doing strength training.  I am not sore at all this morning!  It was a cold and dreary day out – the pool was nice and warm though. Open-mouthed smile

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I made some chicken noodle soup over the weekend, although there wasn’t much chicken on the carcass, so this is more of a noodle/carrot/broth soup, but still tasty.  On the side I made a chicken, jalapeno, pepper jack, lettuce wrap on the panini machine I left at work – can’t even remember the last time I used it.  This big tortilla is new to me – 110 calories and 5 grams of fiber!

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And I bought this thin pepper jack cheese – one slice was enough and you could taste the cheese in every bite.

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I just sprayed my panini maker with Pam (helps having a kitchen at my office!) and it was crispy and delicious.  Comfort on a plate on a wintery day. 

And dinner was super easy too – I bought some marble rye and once I see marble rye I think patty melt!  Except we don’t put any stinking onions on ours!  Mine was 4 ounces of ground sirloin, one slice of marble rye cut in half, and I made sweet potato fries on the side for me.  Believe it or not, that is only once slice of American cheese.  But I put a lid over the sandwich while it cooked so the cheese got all nice and melty. 

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So my blood sugar numbers for the day?  124, 136, 129 and 102 – back to my normal numbers!  So happy about that.  And I know Tony is happy about that too.  He’s already told me that I can’t die before him because he can’t live without me!  (Aw! – love you Tony!)

Time to pick a winner of the Balance Bar giveaway!  And the winner is . . .True Random Number Generator  Min:  1  Max:  35  Result:17


I know once you say you will get back on track that is what you will do!! I have visited the sites and have not tried the Balance Bars or the YurBuds. It would be great to try them. I make the pledge to be the best me every year with hopes that each year is better than the last :)

Congrats Cindy!  Send me your mailing address to my email at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com.  You are going to love these bars AND the Yurbuds!  Alright, it’s time to rise and shine – today is chest and triceps!  Make it a great day!