I have Suzi to thank for the idea of the breakfast banana boats.  She posts all her food and the other day I saw she had this banana that had strawberries, bananas, granola and chocolate sauce drizzled over the top – it looked so cool I told her I was going to steal the idea, and I did.  I made my bosses the same as Suzi’s, but I thought I had a sugar free chocolate syrup in my pantry, but couldn’t find it, so I added a tablespoon of chocolate chips to hers.   My boss loved it!

Mine was just banana, strawberries and blueberries with 2 tablespoons of whipped cream.  On the side an egg/egg beater/spinach omelet.  Can I say that just the 2 tablespoons of whipped cream for 15 calories really made this dish!

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It was kinda crappy outside.  Overcast, rainy, in the mid 60’s – a little too chilly for the pool today, so I decided to switch it up.  I haven’t done any of my spin class apps in a while so I decided to do that.  I had four .99 cent classes I downloaded and when I went to get them, they weren’t there!  I saw that since I hadn’t used them in a while, I had to restore them – took a couple minutes, but this is the one I did:

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A few minutes of endurance hills?  Try a five minute hill climb!  So while this was only 30 minutes, it was intense.  With my cool down:

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Really 12.5 miles in 35 minutes??  Not sure that is accurate, but whateves.  My Mom loves Life is Good t-shirts.  For some reason at her last garage sale, she was selling this shirt and I took it – she’s still kicking herself for doing that!

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And this sign on the wall pushed me:

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I think all of us are our own worst enemy.  Full of doubts – wondering if we can do this or that and we spend so much time just thinking about what we could or should be doing, that we don’t end up well, just doing it! 

Lunch was inspired by my score at the store over the weekend – this whole container of basil for $1.45!  Tony isn’t the biggest fan of basil, so I decided to make tomato basil soup.  This is so easy, you can make it before work like I did.  I followed this recipe, except left out the stinky onions, and instead of heavy cream, I used just 1/2 a cup of buttermilk, so the soup was really tangy.  And I thought 3 tablespoons of olive oil was a bit much, so I reduced it to one tablespoon.

Literally throw the shit in the pot – simmer for 15 minutes, puree until desired consistency and bam – soup is ready.

Mine made four servings: 1.5 cups – 147 calories, 5.6 fat, 19 carbs, 3.9 fiber and 9 protein.

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And what goes with tomato soup?  Grilled cheese!  We found this marbled rye at our store over the weekend – I am okay that the sandwich is nearly 300 calories because I saved calories on the soup!  Perfect lunch for a rainy day.

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As I was driving home I couldn’t for the life of me remember what I had planned for dinner.  I checked my “menu” when I got home and saw that it was turkey cutlets!  I never really think of turkey during the summer, but these were on sale – two cutlets for $2.40 cents – um, okay!

I simply breaded them with a bit of panko bread crumbs, salt, pepper and a little bit of shaved parmesan cheese.  Pan/pat of butter fried them in a pan, with red potatoes and broccoli on the side.

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After Tony and I had a folding clothes party (folding laundry is my least favorite thing to do right after emptying the dish washer!) it was time to get Insane!  I can’t believe I am three days away from Day 60!!

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I could feel though towards the end that my blood sugar was dropping.  I am not sure I’ve mentioned it before, but since I work out after dinner, I haven’t taken any insulin with dinner.  While my blood sugar may be high after dinner, its only temporary – by the time I finish my workouts my blood sugar is usually right around 100.

So I grabbed my Gatorade, and with every water break, I drank that, and I ended up eating half a banana.  At the end, my blood sugar was 73!  I ate the second half of the banana after the workout, a 60 calorie string cheese and a handful of multi-grain wheat thins – I was hangry!

Stats for the Day:

  • 1838 calories (includes the crack granola I ate on the way to work!)
  • 58 fat, 243 carbs, 30.5 fiber and 99 protein
  • 53% of calories from carbs, 29% from fat and 18% from protein
  • 35 minute spin at lunch
  • 45 minute Insanity – Day 57

Of course, I am again being Bizzy in my Kitchen before work – I have some beef and spinach cooking for burritos for me and my boss today – along with black bean “refried” beans and my tomatillos salsa.  And more pancakes for breakfast – I’ll probably have pancakes the rest of the week – not complaining!

Question of the Day:  When is the last time you pushed yourself past what you thought were your limits?

Make it a great day!