Saturday morning I was so wrapped up in doing chores around the house that Tony and I didn’t end up eating lunch until after 1:00!  We went to a local bar/restaurant.  Two NSV’s:  I didn’t order beer even though they had Blue Moon on tap, and I ordered a grilled chopped chicken salad instead of a burger, for a place known for their burgers!

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Then in the afternoon it was time to do my Fit Test for Insanity.  The premise is that you do it on Day 1, then repeat the fit test every 2 weeks to see how you are progressing.  Holy shit, this was hard.  Some things were easy for me – like the switch kicks, but then the suicide dips (think burpees – I know Shelley – gah!) kicked my ass.

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The fit test was 25 minutes long, and I went into the living room afterwards and Tony couldn’t believe how red my face was and how sweaty I was!  I ended up doing a 20 minute walk around my neighborhood to cool down.

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I can’t remember if I told you or not but when we were in Austin, Lizz and Joe didn’t have t.v.  They watch stuff off of Hulu and Netflix.  So we have a shit load of stuff to watch on the DVR and we caught up on a bunch of stuff Saturday night.  And guess what?  I had no after dinner snacks.

I have to thank Helen for for the push for this Dietbet I am doing – I can’t remember the last time I worked out on a weekend!  Thanks Helen!

Sunday morning?  I was up at 7:30.  I didn’t grocery shop the day before so I did my meal plan, went to the store and then went to the Farmer’s Market that just opened.  I wish I could bring these pretty flowers home with me, but they would be dead within a week – I have a black thumb.

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When I got back Tony made me one of his delicious breakfasts – so good.  I ended up eating 3/4 of it.

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Before I knew it, it was time to get ready for Twinfest – lunch out with my twin sister and our best friends who are twins. We ended up going to Wildfire.  Since I was still a bit full from breakfast, I ended up ordering the baked goat cheese app – goat cheese topped with spicy marinara with pita points for dipping.

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I ended up eating half of this appetizer, but it was really good.  We spent two hours catching up with everything that’s going on in our lives.  Sadly, our friends are camera shy so here’s a picture of me and Jenn.

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We had invited my SIL over for dinner since she was picking up her food for the week.  When I was at lunch Tony called and said that my nephew Chris, his son Sean, Chris’ girlfriend Kate and her son Luke were also coming over!

My house is pretty much company ready most of the time.  But I had never met Chris’ girlfriend before, so while I had planned on doing Day 1 of Insanity before my SIL came over, I found myself preparing apps, making biscuits, and cleaning a bit more before they came over.

Saturday I made a batch of my stove top refried beans for later in the week, so I ended up making a cheezy dip out of it. 

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And I had leftover salsa from our taco fiesta at work on Friday.

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I also made a quick batch of mock red lobster biscuits – these are so easy – 20 minutes from beginning to end.  You can find the recipe here.

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I ended up making ribs.  Tony went out to get hot dogs in case the kids didn’t like ribs and to get drinks.

I ended up making the ribs in the Dutch oven again – so good.  Perfectly tender.  I  finished them off with the bbq sauce from Rudy’s in Austin. 

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Kate brought potato soup for a first course – super spicy and delicious!  I wish I would have taken the soup in better light, but it was very good.  She had jalapenos in it. Open-mouthed smile  I like her already because she loves spicy shit and she loves to cook!

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My grand-nephew Sean was getting a bit tired of all the pictures I was taking of him!  Ha!  But I wanted to post this for my MIL to see.

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My nephew Chris and his girlfriend Kate – it was great meeting you Kate!  Wish this one was a bit more in focus:

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And Kate’s son Luke, who basically went through our entire house within the first five minutes of entering the house – he even checked out the basement and wanted to know if he could get into the attic!  I forget how lively 7 year old boys can be!

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By the time I finished cleaning up, it was nearly 8:15, and I was so tired.  So tonight is Day 1 of Insanity.  I plan to swim during lunch today though. Open-mouthed smile

I didn’t prepare any of my food yesterday for today, but I still have 40 minutes before I need to leave for work.  I have a strawberry sauce going already for breakfast parfaits – I have a new artificial sweetener I am working with and will share that with you tomorrow.

What was the highlight of your weekend?