I decided before going on vacation that I wasn’t going to lug my DSLR around.  I was nervous about losing it, having to carry another camera bag around with me.  So I was happy that the Saturday before I left I was able to upgrade my phone after two years of having an iPhone 4.  I ended up getting the iPhone 6+ and I absolutely love it!  I don’t mind the size, I love the big screen and the camera is amazeballs.  So I get home, and I cannot figure out how to get my pictures from the phone to my desktop computer.  Yep, I am old school and still have a desk top, even though I could easily use Tony’s laptop.

I just couldn’t figure it out – my boss was telling me I needed to put everything in my “cloud” whatever the hell that is, and I just don’t get it.  Well finally, after several google searches, the answer was so fucking easy – I had to unlock my phone to transfer the photos – that was it!  Shelley, maybe you don’t have to put your pictures in the cloud either – just plug your phone into the USB on your computer.  So all the pictures below were taken straight from my iPhone, with no filters or alterations of any kind.

Karli, you’ll be happy to know that I have no fear or anxiety about flying!   I guess I just needed to fly more than once every few years to get over it.  Even tiny planes like this one!

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Yep, that’s that shitty Silver Airlines – the second leg of our trip that was delayed about 3+ hours.   We did relax at the Tampa outdoor café though – the warm weather felt so good!

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Since our flight was so delayed, we ended up meeting my aunt and cousin for a late dinner before basically calling it a night.   The condo that my aunt rented for the week was in a perfect location – just blocks from Duval street and walking distance to a lot of restaurants.  I love how the houses look down in Key West, especially ones with wrap around porches.

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We tried all week to eat at Blue Heaven, but the wait times were ridiculous – so our first breakfast was a café across the street.  I decided I was going to try new things this trip, and the first thing I got was something called a “galette” and a buckwheat one at that.  It’s kind of like a savory crepe I guess you could say.  Mine had eggs, goat cheese and roasted red peppers in it – this doesn’t look like much, but it was delicious since I love savory breakfasts.

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My Mom and cousin Karen:  Karen is 4 years older than me.

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And me and my Aunt Martha – pretty sure I am her favorite niece too, since I am my Mom’s favorite child – duh!

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My Mom and Aunt’s first cousin Rocky and his wife moved down to Key West about six months ago.  He has a family doctor practice down there.  So we surprised him with a visit!  We ended up having dinner with him and his wife later in the week.

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He suggested we take the Conch train tour to get a good view of the island.

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We passed a lot of the touristy places, like Sloppy Joe’s – I remember Tony and I hanging out there for an afternoon on our honeymoon – great people watching place!

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And while I really missed Tony as we rode around the island, feeling the warmth of the sun and being with my family, away from everything – it was the first time since Tony died that I could actually say I felt happy.

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This passed Monday marked three months since Tony died – I can’t believe how much time has gone by already. 

The first order of business that first day was to get our bike rentals!  I loved riding around everywhere!  Can’t remember the last time I brought my bike outside at home.  The bike rental was only $50 for the week!

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It was at the bike rental place that we saw a guy that looked like Ernest Hemmingway, so we had to take a picture!

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Since it took me so long to figure out how to get my pics to my computer, that’s all I have time to share this morning with you.  Stay tuned, more pics to come tomorrow and Friday!

Here is my day yesterday in a picmonkey collage:  Chobani and granola for breakfast; 2.0 mile walk at 8% incline at lunch; luckily the frozen unlabeled container I brought to work for lunch was roasted red pepper soup and not marinara sauce; the show I watched on Travel Channel while working out which was burritos around the world, which I ended up making for dinner; the .47 fajita seasoning mix that was really good; Hannah’s amazeball tomatillo sauce; my burrito and it being light after work to see the sunset!

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Alright, time to get this show on the road – I like that it’s already Thursday – I could get used to a three day work week every week!  Make it a great day!