I am sure like most people with DVR’s you tape nearly everything you watch because there are too many commercials.  I found it ironic last night though that we watched a show of the best t.v. commercials from 2012.  This one was our favorite.


Actually my favorite commercials to watch are during Superbowl.  I can sit through that football game!  We now are in the playoffs, so football games today and tomorrow.  I hope to find some good movies to watch.  While it’s sunny today, it’s a chilly 15 degrees. Freezing

For breakfast yesterday I had an open face breakfast sammie – half a bun, egg white and 1 egg, some ham and a slice of buffalo american cheese on top and then put in under the broiler to get all melty.  I had more cantaloupe and honeydew melon that wasn’t photographed.

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My muscles, especially my thighs because of the 100 workout, were really sore yesterday, so I ended up swimming for 35 minutes.  There was a girl in the next lane working with a swim coach, she was probably around 9 or 10.  She kept practicing the somersault against the wall to make a turn – I guess she got disqualified from a meet because she turned too early?  Anyway, she was an amazing swimmer – I wish I had that talent, but it’s good exercise nonetheless.

It was another Souper Friday in my office.  This time I made baked potato soup.   I actually bought the potatoes on my $1 rack – 12 potatoes for $!.  I baked them the night before, then put the soup together yesterday morning.

Baked Potato Soup

  • 12 servings – 1 cup each – 154 calories, 6 fat, 34 carbs, 3.8 fiber and 2.9 protein


  • 12 potatoes, baked, then peeled and chopped
  • 8 cups low sodium chicken broth
  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk
  • 3 cups chopped carrots
  • 2 cups chopped celery
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 2 teaspoons Italian seasoning
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • 4 tablespoons flour

Bake potatoes at 400 for 1 hour.  Let cool.  Peel, then chop and set aside.  In a large stock pot, add 2-4 tablespoons of water, then add the carrots and celery and garlic.  Cook over medium heat, adding enough water so they don’t burn, until the veggies start to get tender. 

Sprinkle the veggies with the flour and stir for a minute or two.  Slowly add the almond milk – the mixture will get nice and thick.  Add the broth, potatoes, Italian seasoning and salt and pepper to taste.

At this point, I turned off the stove because I was going to be putting it in my crockpot at work.  I usually use my stick blender too to thicken the sauce, but I forgot to bring it, so it’s more brothy, but everyone loved it.  I charged $4 for the soup and bread, I made $24. Open-mouthed smile  Enough to buy steak and a bottle of wine for dinner last night, and to get my eyebrows threaded – right now I have two caterpillars for eyebrows on my face!

I had green onions and cheddar cheese for toppings.  I actually added green onion to my bowl just for the picture, and I don’t remember taking them out, so I must have eaten them – shocker!

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I can see myself in the spoon! 

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I swung by my store to hit up the 50% bin.  I ended up getting a one pound boneless ribeye for $4.80, and a package of parmesan risotto for $1.25.  I sautéed some zucchini for my plate.

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I did something I don’t normally do last night.  I ate s l o w l y.  I tend to be a fast eater, so I just took my time and guess what?  I only ate half the steak.  I realized I was full so I just stopped eating – NSV for me!

And while I had nacho cheddar popcorn on my brain, I asked myself, “are you really hungry?”  The answer was no, so I skipped it.  No snacking on a Friday night – what?!!  Yep, that’s the new Biz. Open-mouthed smile

I do plan on going to the gym today and tomorrow.  I need to do my 30 minute stretch before I go though – my quad muscles are still a bit tight.

Got any plans this weekend?  Whatever you do, I hope you have a great weekend – see you on Monday! Smile with tongue out Thumbs up