I know it’s less than a week before Christmas, but weather wise, it just hasn’t felt like it.  Until yesterday.  It was overcast, rainy, then snowy, then windy.  I usually make my boss and I a hot café mocha in the afternoon.  My boss asked “hey Biz, are we doing café mochas today?”  I normally do them around 4:00, but it was only 2:15 and she thought it was 4 that’s how dark and dreary it was.

And we should get our first measurable snow this week.  I am okay with it as long as I don’t have to drive in it and I can look at it from inside my house with my cozy p.j.’s and a hot cup of coffee. Open-mouthed smile

My camera settings were all off yesterday, so I apologize in advance for the shitty pictures.  I used one slice of the Panera three cheese miche bread Hannah brought me, and made a spinach egg sammie out of it, with a Florida tangelo on the side.

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I actually like to leave my peeled citrus for a while and let the skin dry out just a bit.  Then when I bite into them it just pops in my mouth. Open-mouthed smile

I tried a new machine at the gym.  You can pick out “workout partners” on the side, and I decided to do the Alpine climb.  You set how high you want the highest incline, and your speed, and it changes it up every few minutes.  I liked it!  I did a 3 minute cool down and the 5 minutes of abs with the balance ball.  My highest incline was at 9.0 at 4.0 mph. Open-mouthed smile


Lunch was leftover potato soup, a fuji apple and another tangerine.  I had enough soup to have some more, and I really wanted to heat some more up, but I decided if after 30 minutes I was still hungry, I could go heat some more, but I didn’t need it.  Hooray for listening to my body being full!

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I hate to say it, but I think I’ve had this enchilada in my pantry for months (or maybe since last Christmas from my brother??!!).  I was worried that it might be too spicy for Tony, but it was just right – flavorful with a touch of heat.  But you know I doctored mine up. Devil

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I just stuffed my tortilla with cooked chicken breast, baby spinach, and then topped it with a bit of cheese – since the filling was already hot, I just poured the sauce over the top of them, topped them with a bit of cheese, and then put it under the broiler for a few minutes.  I ended up making some Mexican rice – cooked white rice tossed with canned corn and black beans, tossed in Taco Bell taco seasoning and then heated it up – dinner was ready in 20 minutes.

I have to leave for work a bit early today, so this is a fly by post – I will leave you with this video from The Voice.  Make it a great day!
