Another weekend came and went.  Tony made me one of his famous breakfasts on Saturday – this was breakfast and lunch. Open-mouthed smile

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It was rainy, overcast and cold all weekend.  The kind of weekend where you just want to lay on the couch, under a blanket and just watch t.v., which was pretty much how we spent our Saturday.  Is it sad that today is Monday and I want to do the same thing?

But yesterday I was up early.  My Mom’s church was doing their annual holiday cantata and my Mom is in the choir.  It was beautiful and really put me in the Christmas spirit.  Now all I need to do is decorate my house!

I did a favor for one of the members of my Mom’s church, and she handed me a bag of goodies (Hi Laura!).  Guess what she got me?  Hot sauces!  How did she know? Winking smile  Thanks Laura, you didn’t have to, but I know these will go to good use!

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A new restaurant opened up near my Mom’s church, called Piggyback Tavern.  They basically had me at pulled pork!  Although being our first time, and it being a new restaurant, my Mom and I decided to split a few things.

One thing I liked was that the server told us that they dry rub their ribs, etc., and let the customer apply the barbecue sauce, which are on every table.

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I was partial to the Carolina sauce, which was super vinegary with LOTS of crushed red pepper.  Devil

First up?  Fried green tomatoes.  I’ve never had them before.  And for the record, I don’t like tomatoes nearly as much as I hate onions!  But my Mom talked me into them – she said they tasted more like zucchini than a tomato.

Boy, am I glad she did!  These were . . . amazeballs.  A light cornmeal crust, a delicious dipping sauce, and if I didn’t know it was a green tomato, not sure I’d know exactly what it was. 

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We then split the trio of sliders – one chicken, one pork and one beef brisket.

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There is my Mom getting busy cutting them each in half.  They came with a small side of coleslaw.  We tried the chicken and the pork first.  Sadly, they were both on the dry side and really needed the slaw and bbq sauce to wake them up.  The beef brisket though was delicious – super tender and juicy.

Next up, we each got the smoked brisket tacos.  We both really wouldn’t consider these tacos, per se.  They meat was tasty, but on the bland side.  And topped with LOTS of white diced onion (doh!) and cilantro.  I ended up giving my Mom my onions, and I put some of the Carolina sauce on the taco to kick it up.

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And here is a really shitty picture, but we also split the mac n cheese.  It came piping hot to the table in a small cast iron skillet – so cute!  If you like super cheezy mac n cheese, this is for you.  I love mac n cheese and this was delicious.

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The service was excellent.  They are still working out a few kinks as its just been open for a month.  My mom really wanted to try the collard greens (being a Southern gal) but the server talked her out of it saying that he’d gotten some complaints on that side dish and thought the recipe still needed work.

We had no room for dessert, although their signature dessert was a chocolate molten cake baked in a cast iron skillet – they are baked fresh to order and need a 15 minute window – we both said next time we’ll come for dessert and coffee.

We will definitely go back.  Next time I will try the pulled pork sandwich.  My grandfather was from Eastern Carolina, so I am partial to the vinegar barbecue like they serve at Bill’s Barbecue in Richmond, VA.  I’ve made it over the years, but my Aunt Martha still makes the best barbecue in our family.

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It was great to see you Mom – thanks for lunch! Open-mouthed smile

It’s again cold (right now its 30, but with the wind feels like 21), overcast, gloomy and we have a chance of snow showers today.  I guess I can’t complain because our last measurable snow was way back on March 4! 

I also have no meal plan this week, so it should be interesting!  I just stopped by the store on the way back from being with my Mom and just tossed stuff in the basket.  Smile with tongue out

Off to put my stuff together – hope you had a great weekend.  Make it a great day!