I have to give a shout out to one of our 101 Days of Summer Challengers . . . Al of Losing Harryhe lost 11.8 pounds last week!  Woot! 😀  Sadly, his family was in a car accident over the weekend too – but thankfully everyone is okay!   Stop on by his blog if you have time today to tell him how great he’s doing!!

Breakfast was the last of my crustless quiche, a mini bagel with light cream cheese and blackberries.  Breakfast comes in at: 418 calories, 38 carbs, 24 protein, 20 fat and 9.9 fiber.

I went to the gym at lunch – I did a one mile sprint with the pacer bike on the bike machine, then did 40 minutes on the elliptical.  I planned on doing 45 minutes, but my blood sugar controlled the workout 🙁


But my low blood sugar didn’t prevent me from taking a picture of my sweat!

Tony scored last week when he went to the store and found yellow peppers on the $1 rack.  I had six to begin with – I have to remember to use the $1 rack stuff right away, because by the time I grilled the peppers, three had already gone bad.  I decided to make a grilled yellow pepper soup.

Grilled Yellow Pepper and Potato Soup (printer friendly version here)

Makes 4 servings (2 ½ cup serving: 343 calories, 10.1 fat, 45.4 carbs, 6.4 fiber and 19.3 protein)


3 large carrots, chopped
3 celery stalks
1 teaspoon olive oil
3 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
8 cups chicken broth, low sodium
1 1/2 pounds red potatoes, diced
1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese
3 yellow peppers


  1. Grill yellow peppers until charred on the outside. Meanwhile, heat oil and add carrots and celery and garlic and cook until slightly tender, about 10 minutes.
  2. Let the yellow peppers cool. Add remaining ingredients and let soup simmer for 30 minutes. Toss in peppers (stems and seeds removed) and puree with stick blender.
don't peel off the charred parts - that's what gives the soup its smokey flavor

My lunch with a chicken wrap on the side:  533 calories, 61 carbs, 45 protein. 16.6 fat and 15.4 fiber.  If you don’t like a lot of heat, leave out the crushed red pepper 😀

I had pasta on the menu, but with the weather so nice, I decided to grill instead.

Tony cut up the potatoes and herbs while I lit the grill
love the crispy bits of potato!

I made a salad on the side – Hannah added the apple and cherries which turned out really good!  I had light poppy seed dressing too –

And I used the sauce Hannah gave me for mother’s day on my pork chop:

My dinner:  485 calories, 35 carbs, 40 protein, 20 fat and 3.2 fiber.

Stats for Day 8 of 101:

  • 1436 calories, 135 carbs, 107 protein, 57 fat and 29 fiber
  • 5 minute one mile bike sprint
  • 40 minutes on elliptical

I am running late this morning – off to shower and put my food together – have a great Tuesday!!