I don’t know what it was about last week, but I ate so many unplanned snacks, and that’s totally not like me.  I usually have meals in the 500 calories range so I don’t snack – because every time I eat I have to take a shot of insulin.  I have discovered something though – if I am bored at work, that’s the worst for me – it’s almost like I am looking for stuff to eat just to have something to do.

So I chickened out and didn’t go to WW, but I knew I had to step on the scale to see what damage I did.  Last week to this week – I am up .4.


So all in all the damage isn’t too bad – I think my only saving grace was that I drank a lot of water last week.  I have to start taking my own advice and just get moving.  So leave me a comment and tell me to get to the gym today – thanks! Open-mouthed smile

I feel like I cheated on my Chobani friends, but Aldi of all places had Fage yogurt with mango for $1.19 so I bought one.  This time with blackberries, also from Aldi – only .79 a pint – score!


My blood sugar was only 104 when it was time to go to lunch, so I couldn’t walk.  I had what I like to call “making leftovers look pretty.”  I had leftover chicken, so I sauteed up some green peppers and roasted red peppers.  I took 1/2 cup of brown rice and tossed it with 1/2 cup mixed greens.  One serving of tortillas in the middle, so cucumbers for dipping and some of my pickled jalapenos and radishes.  I have to say, those pickled jalapenos got way hotter from when I made them – but so good!

This whole plate of food comes in at 479 calories!


It was another nice night to grill out.  Don’t worry, I am making deep dish pizza for dinner tonight! Open-mouthed smile

I picked up this seasoned beef tenderloin – while it’s $10, the package has two filets, and we each split one – so it ends up being only $2.50 per serving – can’t get a steak like that at a restaurant for that price.


While we were grilling we had more snacks – pretzel thins with a spinach and artichoke cheese dip.


Turns out our dog Ed likes snacks too!


I could have sworn I had to large potatoes in my pantry, but they weren’t there, so I ended up using canned potatoes.  We actually both loved the taste of these potatoes – grilled in a foil pack they almost tasted creamy.  I added a splash of olive oil, salt, pepper, Greek seasoning and some fresh chopped rosemary.



The meat was cooked perfectly – I never took a picture of my actual dinner plate, but it was a perfect medium rare.

I haven’t completely finished my meal plan for the week yet – I need to do an inventory of my fridge and freezer to see what I can use up, but here are some things that are definitely on my menu next week:  (Nicole from Prevention RD gets the prize for most recipes this week – 3!!)

My fridge, pantry and freezer will dictate the rest of my meal plan.   Tony and I have a trip to menard’s planned, the grass needs to be cut and I’ve got some laundry to do.  It’s kinda overcast and while I really would like to just watch t.v. all day, I will get to the gym.  Just keep telling me to get there, okay?