Who else has the day off besides me?  I actually had a half day yesterday too.  Tony had his check up with his surgeon to see how his wound vac is coming along.  He took the sponge out and took a look at his wound and said “it’s beefy and bloody – it looks great!”

Turns out he’ll have to wear the vac for another month – our next appointment is not until May 3.  I know he’s sick and tired of being glued to that tube coming out of his stomach. Steaming mad

I actually surprised Tony – he didn’t know I was going to show up!  But I like getting all up in his business – no seriously, I hadn’t been to see this doctor with Tony for a couple months, so I just wanted to see where we were at in person.

We ended up actually going out to lunch!  I think it’s the second time we’ve been out since December?  Unfortunately, it was the Chicago Cubs opening day so we had to be subjected to that (Go White Sox!).  I ended up getting a cup of the beer cheese soup (they had me at cheese) and a side salad.  Couldn’t take pictures because we were in the upstairs bar part and it is way too dark.

When we got home I was able to start our laundry, took the dog for a 10 minute walk, then Hannah and I headed to the gym.  I had done my 30 minute Classical Stretch (this one was actually really hard!) and needed to get in my additional 60 minutes.

I warmed up for 10 minutes, ran a 5k in 36:00 minutes on the dot, then walked to cool down until I hit sixty minutes.  I kicked that workout in the balls. In love Thanks for coming with me Hannah!

me and hannah

I wished I could have run a bit faster, but my blood sugar was only 180 to start.  Still ended up with a 12:00 minute pace – not too bad.

Here were my eats:  Breakfast was the Paleo breakfast casserole with a cup of grapefruit:

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Thanks to Google images for my beer cheese soup.  I make a cauliflower cheese soup with bacon – only six WW points! Check out this recipe here.  I loves me a beer cheese soup. Open-mouthed smile

beer cheese

Since Tony and I ate such a late lunch we didn’t have much of an appetite for dinner so I made sammies.  Ham and cheese sammies with mustard.  Don’t knock the mustard.  In fact, I should have added more. Just kidding  With veggies chips and a sliced kiwi.

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In case you are wondering, I am keeping good track of my eats and workouts!  Complete with wine stickers too! Martini glass

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Stats for Day 5 of 30 Bad Ass:

  • 1429 calories, 60 fat, 171 carbs, 15 fiber 53 protein
  • 48% calories from carbs
  • 38% fat, 14% protein
  • 30 minute Classical Stretch
  • 10 minute walk with the dog
  • 60 minute treadmill, includes 36:00 5k

If you celebrate Easter, what’s on your Easter Menu?  

We are having:

Alright, I am off to get my 30 minute stretch in.  Then Hannah and I are thrifting this morning.  Tony and I will get the grocery shopping done and sadly, I still have more laundry to do.  Anyone want to come over and do my laundry?  I’ll make you some bread! Be right back