Tony knows that I come up with some strange ideas. When I said the above sentence while making dinner, I think his first thought was going to be “well at least the turkey breast is going to be delicious!”
First I have some pics from the weekend – I didn’t realize how many I had since I only did BSI in yesterdays post.
Hannah’s got some new kicks – she’s on the fence about them now, thinking they look too much like cowboy boots – any fashion conscious readers out there to comment?
I think they are super cute, but then again, this is coming from someone who washes her face with shampoo!
I made a quiche Sunday morning – another crustless quiche, this time using ham and bacon on the bottom, and 1 carton of egg beaters.

It was delicious! I had it with a baby green salad with baby cucumbers and light balsamic. As I was finishing fixing my plate at work, one of my co-workers wanted to know where the brunch buffet was!

Over the weekend I attempted to make a carb friendly pizza. The first one was using soy flour and chicken sausage as the base – you had to eat it with a knife and fork, but it was pretty good – I need to tweak it some more though before I post the recipe!
The second pizza was 1 cup soy flour, 1/2 cup water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 1/2 tsp. of yeast.

And Sunday night Tony made dinner . . . egg foo young! We had chicken, bean sprouts, and water chestnuts with a brown gravy over the top – definitely South Beach friendly!
I somehow lost the picture of my lunch on my blackberry – I am really getting good at navigating that phone – I was kind of worried that I wouldn’t even know how to make a phone call (well, I did have to ask when we were at the store!). I had a tofu stir fry with broccoli, bean sprouts, 6 ounces of tofu and bean sprouts. Lunch only came in at 250 calories, 22 carbs, 17 protein, 10.6 fat and 6.2 fiber.
I went to the gym at lunch – I ended up doing my treadmill routine – 45 minutes, 2.0% incline, 4.0 mph while tossing a 4 pound medicine ball back and forth. I watched Rachael Ray make a rosemary chicken dish that she wrapped in prosciutto that looked really good – and great news! FoodTV is back! Whew, crisis averted! The only show I missed was the next Iron Chef, but Tony found it repeats on Wednesday and has it set to DVR so I’ll be caught up by next week – thanks Tony! 😀
I came home to a gift! One of my loyal readers Joy sent me an email a while back and said she saw something and thought of me! She wrote me a cute note saying that “I love signing on every morning to a friend!” How nice is that?? (See Tony, blog readers are my friends!)

Okay, the inspiration for my side dish last night came from here:
Although – not exactly. I had a rather small cauliflower. I cooked the cauliflower in boiling water until tender – about 8 minutes. I put it in a food processor with 1/2 cup soy flour, 1 tsp. garlic powder, 2 eggs, salt and pepper. It kind of ended up looking like mashed potatoes.
I set my deep fryer to 350 degrees. Using a small melon baller, I just plopped them in the hot oil – again, because the fryer regulates the heat so well, these were not greasy at all.

Hannah and I immediately deemed these a keeper! Tony on the other hand, couldn’t get past the soy flour aftertaste, which Hannah and I didn’t taste at all. Next time I’ll definitely spice them up with either crushed red pepper or chopped jalapeno in the batter. I just dipped mine in hot sauce at the table!
Sadly, its dark by the time I come home, so we grilled in the dark:
My store had fresh turkey breasts on sale for .99 a pound. Yesterday morning I marinated it with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, slices of lemon, salt, pepper and rosemary. It was delicious!

I forgot my regular camera at home yesterday, but in the afternoon since I hadn’t had a lot of calories, a made a giant sugar free vanilla/caramel coffee using about 6 ounces of 2% milk – here is my first picture off of my blackberry – not too bad! There is a way to zoom in and out, I haven’t figured that out yet.

Other snacks for the day included 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese and 1.5 ounces of pistachios.
Stats For Tuesday:
- 1368 calories, 74 carbs, 125 protein, 64 fat and 18 fiber
- 45 minute treadmill, 4.0 mph, 2% incline, 4 pound medicine ball
And if you have made it this far down, I’ll leave you with a beautiful sunset – you can’t have too many, right?!
Can I substitute Almond Flour for the Soy? If so, how much would I use? Thanks:)
I don’t see why you couldn’t substitute equal parts for almond and soy flower – let me know if you like them! 😀
hey there biz! love the carb-friendly pizza doughs – I know there is one out there with fiberone cereal and egg whites … I think? if I find it I will forward it to you =) PS – love the boots from the previous post!
I love the boots and think Hannah looks awesome in her outfit. 🙂
Cauliflower tater tots? Holy YUM, Biz!
Roll the ball up and down to zoom. Although you probably don’t have a ball as I have an older model. LOL But I bet that little goober works the same. Good Luck!
The cauliflower tater tots look awesome! I have to try making them some day.
Hannah’s new boots are way cute!
I love the crustless quiche! I love making (and eating) them!
Cauliflower tots. Certainly sounds interesting. I can see where more spice would be needed.
The boots are cute but they are kind of 80’s (I think). I’m an 80’s girl so I like them! They look comfortable and practical which is good!
I like Hannah’s boots a lot! There’s so many styles, I don’t think you can go wrong! The low carb pizza looks good — share the recipe when it’s perfected, I will definitely make it! I love the egg foo yung too. It’s my favorite Chinese item to order at take-out and no one I know 1) knows what it is or 2) likes it. Crazy people…YUM!
Hannah’s boots are fabulous. But, I am over 40 so what do I know?
I know this:
A) My 14 yo asked for cowboy boots for her bday. (We live in Massachusetts.) Apparently they are tres chic.
B) Hannah is adorable and could wear orthopedic shoes & still be cute!
As someone who just posted photos of some heels on my blog, I feel confident in stating that those boots are awesome.
As are cauliflower tater tots. Brilliant creativity there!
south beach always sounds so unappealing UNTIL i visit your blog. you do it so well, such fun dish, i LOVE the tots!
I love the boots and they look adorable….All of the food is oh so yummy looking too, I wish I had some of the crust less quiche.
You are amazing, cauliflower tater tots, love it.
I think the boots are great! They don’t look too cowboy at all, but that said, cowboy influences are in style this season. Don’t ask me how I know that.
Oooo, love Hannah’s boots! They look more biker chick than Western to me, but what do I know, I wear psedo-Crocs in public. (With socks.) (Not to mention use of shampoo as body wash on occaision…granted, it’s usually my kids’ 3-in-1 stuff.)
And I love the “caulitots,” although they look more like hush puppies to me. Also love the idea of adding the red pepper or chopped jalapeño pepper. Must!Fight!Urge!To buy!Deep fryer!!!! 😀
I’m still laughing about washing your face with shampoo!!
I like the boots! They are very fashionable so who cares if they look kinda cowgirlish? That’s in! I love your idea for caulifower tater tots! I’ve had cauliflower mashed potatoes and cauliflower potato salad and they’re both good.
Those cauliflower things look nummy! I think some cheese in there would be awesome! I mean, fried and cheese – how could it be bad??
Like the boots. Lucky you that you can wear boots. I have biker calves and cannot stuff my calves into boots.
Everything always looks so yummy.
I think Hannah’s boots are cute! She’s totally rocking them in the full body pic! 🙂
The crustless quiche looks so good! I need to start whipping up some of those to have on hand for a few days. Maybe in muffin cups? We have so many eggs b/c of J’s mom’s hens. I usually take just 1 dozen a week, but sometimes I don’t use them all up. Plus she always tries to force more on us. Sometimes we leave w/ 2 dozen! That’d use them up fast!
I love love love the cauliflower tater tot idea! They remind me of little hush puppies!
Have you made canadian bacon cups before? I am making some tonight – you just put canadian bacon in your muffin tin, add scrambled eggs, veggies, cheese and bake at 350 for about 15 to 20 minutes, until the eggs are done – I like how the edges of the canadian bacon get crispy! 😀
I’m horrified that you use shampoo to wash your face! Of all things right?
Caulitots!!! It’s genius!!!!
Your posts never cease to amaze me (and cause me to drool). Grilling in the dark is a challenge. Like other activities in the dark, you gotta know what you’re doing and have experience 😛
Cauliflower tater tots…wow. You are so ingenious!
The boots are cute but I agree they do have a cowboy boot look to them which is quite fashionable right now.
Biz your food looks amazing. You make South Beach look gourmet!
If you figure out how to zoom on a blackberry let me, I have yet to figure that out!
The lack of natural light at dinner time has really messed with my food photos. I think I need to get some kind of bright light to use at that time of day to photograph food. It is a learning curve for me.
OMG, so easy! I just figured it out. When you have your blackberry on the camera setting, just use the center trackpad back in forth to zoom in and out 😀
how are your blood sugars on this diet? Have you had any too low readings? Im just petrified about that.
My blood sugars are still steady – my average is between 100 and 135 – the best part is I am taking 1/2 the amount of insulin 😀
Tell your daughter those boots look super cute on her! Tell her to keep them :))
Those cauliflower tots are an awesome idea! They look so good and that sunset is gorgeous.
the boots are sexy! i like that they arent typical cowboy boots but have a bit of the same styles of them just to add a little extra flair! they look pretty comfy too!
wow love the tater tots! they remind me of the Napoleon Dynamite movie!! haha <3
Cauliflower tater tots are brilliant! They look delicious!
Wasn’t that sky amazing last night?! I took a picture, too!
First it was cauli mashed potatoes and now tater tots. Genius!
Cauliflower tater tots! What an amazing idea!!!!
I can’t believe you made tater tots out of cauliflower! My husband would love you! Can I send him to your house?!
You guys are welcome any time!
My cauliflower hating husband would never be fooled or cajoled by these “tots”, but they look awesome! I don’t have a fryer – think you could do them in a fry pan with oil added?
Your newest crustless quiche looks fantastic and right up my alley, as I Love. Cured. Pork. Products. And hubby will be all over this one. It’s on the menu for later in the week.
Yep, you can definitely pan fry Leslie!
okay, those cauliflower tater tots look killer! I don’t deep fry. I wonder if I could bake them?
It is a really soft batter, so I am not sure baking would work, but you could definitely Pam/pan fry them 😀
Girl, you always make the most delis looking food until you talk about cauliflower, that’s not something I can handle to well. You are so lucky to try the new Mrs. Dash, tell us how it tastes in all your dishes. I found a new Garlic and Herbs I’m going to try today with the spaghetti sauce. We are such garlic nuts here.
Love the boots. Jim bought me a pair last year but was so fat I just didn’t feel comfortable wearing them and having them say “look at me”, maybe I can wear them this Christmas when I finish phase one and lose my 45 lbs.
I so love sunsets, they are my favorite. Thanks for sharing that one.
Take care today and keep being the prettier sis to Charlie. I love the way you sign off. I’m pretty sure my sister won’t be happy if I did that but then again she doesn’t blog so I can say it all I want, if it were true.
Have a wonderful, blessed day today.
Yummy food overload! Wow! Your quiches always look so good!
I like the boots – but if she’s not feeling the western they do have a bit of that going on. I like the height though and the chunkiness – super fun!
Have you tried the fake mashed potatoes made with cauliflower? I bet Tony would like that. I know lots of people who have kept that recipe in their repetoire even after they stopped South Beach or Atkins.
I think Hannah’s boots are cute! I do agree that they look sort of western but I vote keep them!
I’ve actually tried that before Helen, but when I mentioned mock “potatoes” and he tasted cauliflower, his brain was expecting mashed potatoes! 😀
I think the boots are cute- but I am having fashion nightmares of my own over here! lol I am the worst shopper and then I buy something and doubt why I bought and if it even looks good on me- then I never wear it. lol Oh well!
I wanna eat those cauli-tots!!! YUM!!!!
I find myself using my iPhone for most pictures I take for my blog these days. COmes out pretty good, but if someone else tries- it’s blurry. :-/
I would definitely throw some of that wonderful spicy Mrs. Dash in those tater tots to cut the soy taste – how awesome would that be.
[They look delicious to me!]
Those boots are too adorable – and even if they DID look like cowboy boots [they don’t] what is wrong with cowboy boots…I am a proponent of them, but then again 1. I am southern and 2. My husband wore them on our first day and he still makes my heart skip a beat when he puts them on. heehee
She looks so cute in that outfit. Definite keepers! Skippy approved [if that means anything. giggle]
Have a great one Bizzy. Hugs.