It so feels like summer and its not even Easter yet!  For breakfast I broke my parfait run and had a potato, spinach hash with toast and sliced apples.  Breakfast comes in at 9 points.

When it was time for my run, I checked and it said “feels like 77 degrees.”  What??!!  I have to tell you though, after my 8 mile bike ride the day before, my thighs felt like tree trunks and it was hard to run – with that and the fact that I wasn’t used to running in heat, it was a slow run/walk – but I moved!  My 5k came in at 38:25.

Lunch was leftovers, or my assilicious food.  (Thanks Aimee for that word!).  A serving of my cauliflower mac n cheese, 2 ounces of leftover steak and a whole can of green beans with szchewan seasoning.  This plate comes in at 9 points.

Doesn’t everyone eat a whole can of green beans for lunch? 😀

Work was super busy, so the day went by pretty fast.  Next thing I knew it was yappy hour at my friends house.  Although I didn’t do the asshole move I did last time, and had Hannah drop me off and pick me up.  I still stayed out later than I should have – I was home by 10:30, but I told Tony I’d be home between 8:30 and 9:00.  I feel guilty going out at all since he’s at home by himself all day, but I need to get out once in a while.  She has the cutest dog, he’s old like our dog:

And she had lots of cheese (!) and crackers and some artichoke stuffed wontons.  So good!  With the wine and cheese I am calling “dinner” 20 points to be on the safe side.  I do love my cheese!

Question of the Day:  How often do you have a girls night out??

Thanks to Erica from Itzy’s Kitchen for fowarding me this article on the benefits of doing strength training BEFORE cardio to not have a drop in blood sugar while exercising – very interesting!  Thanks Erica!

We have another warm day on tap – I think I am just going to speed walk today to give my legs a break!  Make it a great day!