I love making Jimmy Dean’s sausage breakfast casserole – its so easy and delicious.  I don’t let mine sit overnight, but you certainly can.  It was funny because Hannah’s bedroom is right off the kitchen.  She said she could hear me start to brown the sausage and had a thought to get up and help me, but then decided if she fell back asleep when she woke up again it would be done and ready to eat!

Jimmy Dean’s Sausage Casserole

  • 1 tube of Sage Jimmy Dean sausage
  • 6 cups mixed bread, cut into chunks (I had some stale bread that was perfect)
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 cups milk
  • salt and pepper
  • 1 cup cheddar cheese

Brown the sausage.  In a large bowl, mix the eggs and milk together.  Toss in the bread and press down to make sure all the bread gets the egg mixture.  Toss in the cooked sausage and mix well.  Place in a large casserole dish.  Top with shredded cheese and bake for 45 minutes at 350.

Hannah bought me the mother load of hot sauces!  12 in all – one for every month in 2012!

I started with this one – it was really good!

My piece of heaven:

The weather wasn’t too bad for Chicago – it was in the low 40’s, the sun was shining and there wasn’t a whole lot of wind.  Hannah and I ended up going on a 45 minute walk – so refreshing!  This is us trying to say “Merry Christmas!”

Tony felt like he might be up for eating something more substantial for Christmas dinner.  Hannah and I went to the Fresh Market and I was walking back and forth trying to decide what to make.  I didn’t want to do any type of red meat, I thought it might be too heavy for Tony after eating such bland food.

I ended up buying a roasting chicken and decided to grill it.  I made baked potatoes on the side and it was perfect.  I brined my chicken the day before and then just put a dry rub on the chicken – it had a bit too much spice for Tony – lots of peppercorns!

Doesn’t everyone have a snowman apron? šŸ˜€

The chicken turned out perfect – super juicy and tender.  And its going to make a mean chicken noodle soup today!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  Hannah and I are going to hit up the gym this afternoon when she gets home from work.  And we may end up in the hot tub! šŸ˜€

Make it a great day!