I didn’t tell you guys yesterday, but guess what time I woke up on Sunday morning?  11:30 a.m.!  So that meant when the alarm went off yesterday morning at 6:30, I did not feel like getting up. At all.  But I finally did, made some coffee, did my blog post  and slowly eased into the day.

I already had my lunch made, and then I jumped out of the shower and realized I had exactly five minutes to get out of the house and I was still dripping wet.  Being the low maintenance person I am, I was in the car 5 minutes later – with all the windows down so I could let God blow dry my hair. 😀  It’s a 35 minute drive to work and my hair is usually dry after 15 minutes.  Damn thin hair. 🙁

But then I realized I never brought anything for breakfast!  So a quick stop at the store and I picked up a Jimmy Dean Delight bowl – 6 points for breakfast along with my new Bubba Keg – this things holds 52 ounces – but the best part is that it doesn’t sweat at all, which is nice.  I try to drink one in the morning and then one in the afternoon. 😀

With temps in the mid 80’s yesterday, I decided to bike.  Now that I have my GPS app, I now just have to try to go faster than I did the last time – luckily it wasn’t as windy, and I went a bit farther – 10.47 miles in 50:06!  It’s such an awesome break in the day, and I find myself energized at work in the afternoon.

Lunch was what I like to call a WW taco salad – 2 cups salad greens, 1 cup chopped broccoli slaw, 2 diced carrots, 2 tablespoons fat free ranch, a couple glugs of Frank’s hot sauce, 1/2 ounce of shredded cheese and 4 ounces of beef taco meat – lunch comes in at 8 points.  And believe it or not this was really filling. 😀

Now just like my sister from another mister, I loves me a reuben sandwich.  A lot.  I don’t know where Tony and I saw it, but we saw a reuben burger and it’s burning a hole in my brain just thinking about its goodness.  I kept toying with the recipe in eTools to get it down to an acceptable point value – the first time around it was 19 points just for the burger!

Biz’s Reuben Burger (inspired from some random t.v. show!) makes 4 servings, 12 points each

  • 4 ounces lean corned beef, chopped
  • 8 ounces 95% lean ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon caraway seeds
  • 2 ounces swiss cheese
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1/3 cup sauerkraut
  • 4 teaspoons fat free thousand island dressing
  • 8 slices rye bread
  • salt and pepper to taste

Mix together the corned beef, ground beef, caraway seeds and salt and pepper.  Divide patty’s into four servings.  Cook over medium heat, about 4 minutes per side.  Remove from heat.  In two batches, melt half the butter.  Put the burger on the rye bread, top with 1/2 ounce swiss cheese per burger, sauerkraut and thousand island dressing, then grill the reuben patty melt.

Let sit a couple minutes before slicing.  On the side I made my version of The Sandwich King’s sweet potato fries, although I used regular potatoes because just the thought of sweet potatoes makes Tony want to throw up.  I don’t really know how to figure out the points for these, so I am treating them like McDonald’s fries.  I had 2 ounces of fries for 4 points – so dinner altogether is 16 points.  A super delicious 16 points I might add!

Stats for the Day:

  • 30 points
  • 10.47 bike ride in 50:06
  • 41 miles complete of 125 miles in September
  • average blood sugar 93 (a bit on the low side) but I know that number makes Nicole very happy!

Come back tomorrow for a new chili recipe ….shhhh….it’s got canned pumpkin in it!

Show of hands. . . how many of you become football widows in the fall?  Tony discovered a channel on AT&T called the Red Zone – it showed all the games, would highlight the ones that were about to score, even split screen if two games were about to score – it was free over the weekend and we found out today it’s only $5 more a month to add it to our lineup.  It’s the closest we can get to DirectTV’s NFL package – which isn’t available in HD where we live.  😀

Can you do me a favor??  Could you stop by my friend Morgan’s blog and give her kudos – she just completed her first half marathon, and I could not be prouder of her.  She had a lot of obstacles to overcome, including not having enough money to get to the race, but after a facebook request family and friends chipped to make sure she reached her goal.  You can read about her race here!  Last year at this time she’d never even run as far as a 5k!  You go girl!