After staying up late and sleeping in three days in a row, when the alarm went off, I was like “hells no!”  So I slept 45 more minutes and ditched my trip to the gym. 😀  Instead I read blogs, drank coffee and tried to warm up on our first true cool fall day.  I’ll get my sleep pattern back on track soon – but I did enjoy the extra 45 minute snuggle with Tony. 😀

While I have a lunch/dinner meal plan for the week, I decided to wing breakfasts – its usually easy to do.  Mine was easy – small bagel with zucchini egg whites and 1/2 ounce of brie cheese – 9 delicious and filling points.

Since finding my GPS app on my blackberry, I decided to track my run.  I told Tony that while I mapped it in my car, I was worried that when I got done I’d look down and it would say 1.7 miles!

Well, I was off, but not by much.  So basically I haven’t been running a 5k all this time, it’s actually 2.87 miles and yesterday I ran it in 33:11 – which wasn’t too bad because it was windy, and I forgot my socks so I ran sockless and formed a nice blister on the inside of my right foot. 🙁

I have now mapped a 5k and now know where I should start and finish.  I am still pushing for a sub 30 minute 5k this fall. 😀

I bought a HUGE cauliflower last week and never did anything with it – so I decided to try another version of mac n cheese – this time I used 1 cup of chicken broth in place of one of the cups of milk – still creamy, still cheezy and it comes in at 7 points per cup.

Cauliflower Mac N Cheese

  • 6 cups cooked cauliflower (I just cook mine in the microwave on fresh vegetable setting – I still kinda like a crunch to mine)
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 7 ounces uncooked elbow macaroni
  • 4 ounces cheddar cheese
  • 1 tablespoon spicy brown mustard (Tony didn’t like the mustard taste, I was like yum!)
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • salt and pepper to taste

For topping:

  • 2 tablespoon whole wheat bread crumbs
  • 1 teaspoon butter

Cook the caulifower in the microwave, when cool to touch, chop into bite size pieces.  Cook macaroni 2 minutes less than package directions and drain.  In a stock pot, melt butter.  Add flour and cook for 1 minute.  Slowly add the 1 cup chicken broth and 1 cup milk.  Once thickened remove from heat and stir in shredded cheese, mustard, salt and pepper and mix until the cheese is all melty.  Yep, I think melty is a good word.

Mix the 2 tablespoons bread crumbs with 1 teaspoon of butter and sprinkle over the top – bake at 350 for 20 minutes.  Try not to burn your mouth when you want to take a bite straight out of the oven.

I had 1 cup of mac n cheese with a whole can of green beans.  I love canned green beans, especially sprinkled with Tabasco, salt and pepper. 😀  This whole bowl is 7 WW points.

We have a client coming to our office today and I wanted to bake some breakfast goodies, so I put our freezer to work and defrosted my buffalo chicken chili and made chili mac for dinner.   With some tortilla chips for dipping and some cheese, dinner comes in at 10 points.

Have you ever used this pasta before?  I had never seen it, but they had Barilla brand pastas 10 for $10 – I really liked it.

But then I remembered I forgot the peppers!  Holy shizz, these were hot.  Serano peppers are so all over the map – sometimes I buy them and I can eat them like an apple, and other times they burn my face off. 😀

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 31 points (includes 5 points for wine) 😀
  • 45 minute walk/run (includes 33:11 2.87 run)
  • average blood sugar 139

Okay, I went to bed early last night and I am up early.  I have to be at the office early today, so I plan to get a 30 minute walk in – just waiting for it to get light out, it’s 6:00 a.m. and it’s pitch black out still.   Make it a great day!

Oh, and here is a picture of my shoes I got at the thrift store – I wore them to work yesterday – so comfortable!  According to Helen and Marianne, I got these at quite the steal at $14!

Still a couple days to enter my 3 year blogavesary!