Yep, after blogging nearly every day for close to three years, I am taking a week off of blogging! I know, how will you ever survive? Ha! 😀 I am sure by Tuesday of next week you’ll be thinking “I wonder if Biz worked out while on vacation or if she just said f_ck it and ate pork bbq five days in a row!” I’ll be back to regular posting on August 19th – hopefully with some vacation food porn and pretty pictures of the Lake.
What I am really looking forward to is reconnecting with the women in my family. Even in the days of email, twitter and facebook, its easy to get caught up in the daily routine and not touch base more often. We have some amazing story tellers in my family!
A couple weeks ago, Mara tagged me with 7 Things – so here goes!
1. My Most Beautiful Post.
This was a tough one to pick, but I chose this post because its when Tony came home from the hospital after his colon cancer surgery. While he looks so tired in this picture, the look of relief of escaping his noisy hosptial room is written all over his face.
2. My Most Popular Post.
Hands down my Buffalo Chicken Chili is my most popular post. It’s had 30,000 page views since I posted it in February 2010 – most likely because if you google “best buffalo chicken chili” it’s the number one recipe to pop up. 😀
3. My most controversial post.
I was poking fun of myself about my lack of swimming skillz and called myself a retarded shining star, which I do apologize if I offended anyone – it wasn’t my intention at all.
4. My Most Helpful Post
I hope I have at least helped some people get over the fear of making homemade pizza dough and yeast breads. While a bit time consuming, it’s well worth the effort.
5. A post whose success surprised me.
This post about “you can’t eat that” garnered 73 comments, the most comments on a non-giveaway post. I was just really pissed that a former co-worker (who was not the least bit healthy) was trying to tell me what I could or couldn’t. It was also the post where I decided Weight Watchers was going to be my plan to get to my goal weight.
6. A post that didn’t get the attention it deserved.
Alright, long time readers will know that I love pizza, ruebens and sauerkraut. So when I made a reuben pizza using rye flour and caraway seeds, I was in heaven!
7. The Post I am Most Proud Of.
That’s a tough one, but I have to go with being a tiny part of The Great Fundraising Act. I was happy that my salsa package sold for $100! Thanks again Katie for being the highest bidder! 😀
If you’ve made it down this far, I’ll leave you with a small giveaway – as I will most likely hit 600,000 pageviews while I am gone. Just 3 months ago I hit half a million!
We all know I am food magazine whore. Yep, I said it, not ashamed of it one bit. Leave a comment telling me what your favorite magazine is – doesn’t even have to be food related! 😀 Up for grabs are three magazine subscriptions.
I love Cooking Light – its hands down my favorite food magazine. I love the variety, the writing, the recipes aren’t overly complicated.
I love the Food Network star magazine because it has pictures of every recipe. I need to see pictures in order to try a recipe – and while there are some not so healthy recipes, it’s still worth it for the food porn alone.
This is what I call my “sophisticated” food magazine. It’s brilliantly written, and I find the editor-in-chief James Oseland hilarious when he uses the word “unctuous” to describe meals on Top Chef Masters.
I think my photography skills have improved too – when looking through old posts I found this picture:
Um, I think this picture is just a tad better!
So good luck my fellow food magazine whores – hope you have a wonderful week and I’ll see you on the 19th!
I am so glad you enjoyed your vacation! And hey, sometimes you just need to splurge.
It is so nice that all your family got together. Glad you enjoyed yourself!!
Hope you’re having a fabulous vacation!!!
Cooking Light is my favorite cooking magazine.