Thanks for all your comments yesterday – so the general consensus is – TOO MUCH SODIUM!  I guess I never realized how much sodium was in my food on Friday – and the day before WI!  Note to self: don’t have Chinese food before a weigh in!

Not gonna lie, I did feel like crying – I had such a great week, but then when I was watching the news yesterday, and saw that 31 U.S. Troops were killed, including the some of the elite Navy seals, it was a smack in the face.   The thought that I was upset about a gain on the scale when there are so many worse things going on in the world, I quickly moved on and looked at the big picture – I am running faster than I ever have, I can hold a plank for 2 minutes, I upped my weights to 4 pound weights from 2 pounds weights – and most importantly, my size 12’s are still loose. 😀

How was your week?  Struggling, succeeding, need some cheerleaders?? 

We had a great time with Joe and Lizz yesterday – I made a super simple meal, brats, hot dogs, Italian sausage, pasta salad, fruit salad and chips. 

I also made snickerdoodle ice cream sandwiches – they don’t look pretty, but everyone said they tasted good.  I used this recipe for the cookies, and just put Edy’s vanilla bean icecream in the middle.

Spending time with family . . . priceless!

After storms rolled through this morning, its now sunny skies and 70 degrees – love having my windows open!

I am in the process of making six homemade frozen pizzas for my friend who is having surgery next week – come back tomorrow for step-by-step instructions. 😀

Enjoy your Sunday!