If anyone lives in the Chicagoland area, you know that Dominick’s and Jewel are the most expensive grocery stores.  I typically only stop by Dominick’s on my way home from work to pick up a couple things I might need for that nights dinner, like hamburger buns.

I am a sale flyer menu planner.  Last week I had my whole meal plan worked out, Tony and I drive to my favorite grocery store, only to see that the whole parking lot was roped off.  We learned a couple days later that they suffered roof damage and were closed until they could make repairs.

According to their website, they’ll be closed for 2 – 3 months!  It’s the perfect store, awesome meat prices, best produce and stunning deli.  My only saving grace is that a Fresh Market is opening up “soon” in Crystal Lake.

Are you loyal to one grocery store or do you use several?

As I was getting out of the shower yesterday morning, I suddenly realized that I forgot to defrost my chicken for my Asian broccoli slaw chicken salad.  I was running out of time and ideas, so I made a quick stop at Walgreen’s on my way to work.  You’ll never guess what I had for breakfast!

Yep, a bowl of cereal.  I love milk, but it doesn’t like me back, so I have it only once in a while.  This was Special K’s almond vanilla – it’s very good – very crunchy.  I didn’t think this would keep me full for very long, but it did – probably the protein in the milk helped. šŸ˜€  1.5 cups cereal and 1/2 cup skim milk = 7 WW points.

I checked the weather before I headed out for my run at lunch.  It said 77 degrees, 65% chance of rain during the hour I was going out.  I thought, “who cares if I get wet!”  I started at my “start” line at 12:10.  I concentrated on the music I was listening to, told myself I could stop if I really had to, but convinced myself I was doing fine. 

It was the perfect weather – overcast, sprinkles at times, and at my half way point to turn around, I told myself “walking is not an option.”  Guess what??  That worked!  I ended my 5k in . . .34:10!

That’s the fastest I’ve run outside. . . ever!  My last 5k outdoor race was in 2008 – I can’t believe almost 3 years ago!

Yup – 40:54 was my time back then!  Why didn’t anyone tell me my belly was so big?  I am on the left, Hannah in the middle and my friend Kim – I think that was Kim’s and Hannah’s last race too!

I still need to sign up for two races before Labor Day – and Shelley, to answer your question about the dualthon I was going to do – I realized I’ll be in Virigina that weekend. šŸ™

Because of my horrible food planning today, I give you a glimpse into “prepared food Biz food!”  Truth be told, I love Hormel chili – always have.  Next to spaghettios, Hormel chili was my go to.  I also found a new chip that I absolutely love – Tostitos new artisan black bean tortilla chips.  They are thinner than their regular chips and super flavorful.  This bag comes in at 6 points, so with a cup of chili, lunch comes in at 11 points.

Dinner was another simple go to – stuffed peppers for two.  I made these for my SIL for one of her lunches this week – she texted me “outstanding stuffed green peppers!”

Stuffed Peppers for Two (each pepper is 10 PointsPlus)

  • 2 large green peppers
  • 8 ounces tomato sauce, divided
  • 4 ounces ground sirloin
  • 2 ounces Italian sausage
  • 1 ounce chopped pepperoni
  • 1 ounce cooked brown rice
  • 1.5 ounces mozzarella cheese, divided
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
  • 1 teaspoon oregano
  • salt and pepper

For an easy weeknight dinner, I just put the green peppers whole in the microwave, poked with a knife, and hit “fresh vegetable.”  Meanwhile, I cook the ground sirloin and Italian sausage until cooked and no longer pink.  Drain the fat.  Add in 6 ounces of the tomato sauce, pepperoni, Italian seasoning, rice, oregano and salt and pepper, cook a couple more minutes.

Once the green peppers have cooled enough to handle, cut off the top. Stuff with meat mixture, top with 3/4 ounce of mozzarella cheese on top of each pepper and broil until the cheese is bubbly.  I added the last 2 ounces of the can of tomato sauce on the bottom of the baking dish.

I’ve tried to have Friday features, like fashion Friday or Friday flashbacks, but turns out I am lazy.  I think what I will do is spread a little link love to new to me food blogs I’ve been enjoying lately.

Broke Foodie.  I just discovered her blog yesterday and already love her writing style and recipes (um, and she may be a cookbook whore like me!) šŸ˜€  I may have to give her Thai Carrot Pizza a go – but add cheese!

Crave.  She recently made a chipotle cole slaw that I’ve been drooling about since I saw her post it.  I love that it mixes greek yogurt with a smaller amount of mayo – all mayo cole slaws make me want to throw up in my mouth a little.

The Cooking Bride.  Um, she just made the best looking homemade mini corn dogs.  Must.Make.Soon!

Stats for Thursday:

  • 45 minute workout (included 34:10 5k PR!)
  • 34 points (including 5 points of crackers while watching t.v.)
  • average blood sugar 101 – nice! šŸ˜€

PRODUCT ALERT!  Nicole, I hope you are reading this!  I need to find this – soon!  Sadly, when I went to the store locater on Tabasco’s website, this is what it said:

No stores within 145 miles carry TABASCOĀ® brand Buffalo Style Hot Sauce 5-oz.

Tony, I may be using some of our paypal $$ to order some!

Happy Friday!  Hoping I have a loss on the scale tomorrow at WW – either way, I know I am a running superstar! šŸ˜€