I completely overslept this morning and missed my WW meeting, but we made it there just before they were closing so I could weigh in.  Without exercising the last three days, I didn’t have a good feeling about the weigh in – look they already shut down their computers and had to hand write my WI!

But I have only myself to blame – let’s take a look at my eats yesterday, shall we?

Um, I don’t see any other veggie other than potato – pretty sure I am not following the healthy guidelines of WW.  So I am going back to basics this week and will strive for 10 servings of veggies and fruits each day.

We had huge storms overnight – we lost some branches along the way – once everything dries up, we are going to have a pretty big bonfire – not sure if you can tell in this picture, but this pile is taller than I am!

I didn’t exercise at all yesterday either – my blood sugar was just not cooperating – here are my numbers for the day:  63, 117, 58, 85, 68 and 59 – averaging only 75!  I typically like my blood sugar to be in the low 200’s before I exercise – it typically drops by half after working out.

I plan on hitting up the gym this afternoon and making my meal plan.  Hope you enjoy your Saturday!