is an invisible blanket I wear on an almost daily basis.  Almost all of it is self-imposed and I’ve been like this for years.  I am the quintessential people pleaser, didn’t matter if I wasn’t happy, but if everyone else around me was, then I considered that a success.

But I am older now, and I just want to put that blanket in a bonfire and set it on fire.  I know I cannot control the people around me and trying to do so isn’t making me happy, so I just have to let it go.  Do you think I can?

So I am returning My Bizzy Kitchen to rainbows and butterflies again, and talk about what makes me happy – cooking! šŸ˜€  Thank you though for all the virtual hugs and emails – I sincerely appreciate it. šŸ˜€

Over the weekend I made a new dry rub for a small boneless pork roast.  It was delicious!

Wet Rub for Pork – 2 PointsPlus for the rub

  • 2 teaspoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon stone ground mustard
  • 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • salt and pepper

I let the roast sit on the counter for 30 minutes before grilling it – then spooned the mixture over the roast – a tablespoon of rosemary might seem like a lot, but it mellows when its grilled and isn’t too overpowering.

I bought a ton of fruit over the weekend – I was happy to find raspberries and blackberries for just 1.99 a pint.  Breakfast was an egg white open sammie on wholegrain bread and a cup of raspberries and blackberries – only 6 Points for this whole plate. šŸ˜€

We had a chance of rain off and on yesterday, so I decided to walk instead of bike – it started out as a light drizzle, but then just got humid – I got in a nice 55 minute walk at lunch.  Lunch was leftovers again – leftover chicken from my last Friday grill at my office – they morphed into chicken tacos with a peach and a pear on the side – the pear was amazing, I threw the peach out – ew.  Lunch comes in at only 7 PP.

I had defrosted some sort of “mystery” meat.  I am the worst at labeling frozen food – I always think “Oh, I’ll remember what this is.”  Um, that hardly ever happens.  I’ve been known to bring homemade marinara to work for lunch, when I thought it was roasted red pepper soup.

So I couldn’t tell if the meat I pulled out to defrost was a chuck roast, or what, so I was pleasantly surprised that it was a sirloin steak. šŸ˜€  I served it with corn on the cob and canned baby peas.

cook the steak to 125 degrees and rest for at least 10 minutes for medium rare

I just happened to get July’s issue of Bon Appetit so I was reading that as I grilled last night – the cover story was “how to grill the perfect steak” and I love how it said “salt and pepper – the little black dress of beef – is all a steak needs.”  I couldn’t agree more.

And while reading Bon Appetit I found a recipe I need to recreate (sans the grape tomatoes).  Why have I not had halloumi cheese before?  Grilled halloumi cheese with watermelon and basil-mint oil – yum!

It was a day late, but here is the t-shirt I got Tony for Father’s Day – he actually sent me the link as a hint – sorry for all the vegetarians who may read my blog!

Stats for Monday

  • 31 points (including wine)
  • 55 minute walk
  • average blood sugar 129

Come back tomorrow to see what I made with grilled butternut squash – its delicious!

Hope you have a great day! šŸ˜€