quite possibly the perfect side dish to anything!  Dipped in ketchup/mustard/salt/pepper/hot sauce mix!  (yes, I know its a weird combo!)
quite possibly the perfect side dish to anything! Dipped in ketchup/mustard/salt/pepper/hot sauce mix! (yes, I know its a weird combo!)

We ended up not going to Brunch cafe – the parking lot was crowded and so was the restaurant, so on the plan B.

The place that we went has about 10 pages of menu items, from pizza to Italian, fried chicken, fish fry Friday – you name it, they have it!

I ended up on the grilled chicken panini with avocado, but no tomato, mayo or onions.  The sandwich was huge!

the bread was amazing!  I only ate half the sammie and half the tots
the bread was amazing! I only ate half the sammie and half the tots

I went on calorieking.com, and while I couldn’t find the exact calories for what I ate, I averaged three similar sandwiches and with my half serving of tots, lunch comes in at 600 calories, 18 grams of fat and 67 grams of carbs.

Which isn’t too bad considering my breakfast was just over 300 – I am still just under 1000 calories for the day.   Now I just have to think of something on the light side for dinner to even it all out!

Loved having lunch with you today Tony!   Afternoon break is over – still don’t know about softball yet!  See you later . . .