Wednesday as I was driving home from work, I passed a bank and it said 101 degrees.  It was humid, the air was thick and it was definitely hot enough to turn on the central air.  Storms came through and the temperature dropped like a bucket.  As I was driving to work Thursday morning, the temperature was 51 degrees and it didn’t get much warmer than that.  I even pulled up our down comforter last night when I went to bed because I was chilly!  I just think its so weird to have a 50 degree difference in temperature in 12 hours.

I had an early work project, so I picked up some McDonald’s oatmeal, although truth be told, my mouth almost said “I’ll have a sausage biscuit with egg.”  I love those things, but at 14 points, I knew my 7 point oatmeal was best.  Go me!

My work project had me away from the office and I didn’t get back to my desk until 2:00.  I was hangry – and unfortunately, there was no time to get a bike ride in – it would have been perfect bike weather too. šŸ™  Lunch was leftover red beans and rice with a few pieces of smoked sausage and some tortilla chips to dip – 11 PointsPlus.

I had almost forgotten that I had a happy hour planned at my friend Kim’s house.  She was one of my WW buddies at my old job that I cooked for.  Even now, there are some lunches and I think “my friends would have loved this dish!”  She’s the hostest with the mostest – and she had shiraz so I had two glasses of that and about six points of snacks – happy hour was about 13 points.  She made this BLT dip that was so good – let me know if you want the recipe – I like that she kept the green onions to a minimum just for me. šŸ˜€

Since I was getting home later, I picked up a pizza for me and Tony for dinner – sausage and pepperoni – my plate is 12 Points (which now that I look at the picture may be on the low side!)

Flashback Friday

I played field hockey in college at Southern Illinois University.  I used to hate having home games when the football team was home, because I couldn’t even get my roommates to stay for a whole game.  It was the second week in September 1986, I am in a huge lecture class, and in front of me, someone had the Daily Egyptian, which was the school newspaper.  He flipped to the back page which was the sports section, and I was shocked to see myself in the paper!

I think I am going to keep this picture on my fridge to remind myself that I am an athlete, even at age 43. šŸ˜€  It’s chilly and rainy this morning, but I am hoping to get my bike ride in today at lunch.  I didn’t work out two days this week, but I think I did okay with my food so hopefully my WI will be a good one tomorrow.  Although I can always tell when I am not hydrated because my wedding ring is tight – need to drink lots of water today!

Stats for Thursday:

  • 43 points
  • 23 flex points remain, 32 activity points earned so far
  • no exercise
  • average blood sugar 121

Question of the Day – have you ever been in the newspaper?

Happy Friday – make it a great day!