I’s been over a year since Christina, Mara, Michelle and I got together!   What do you think of a 2010 Summer meet up at a Schaumburg Flyers game?   I am not sure how many Chicago area readers there are, but I thought it could be fun!  Just leave a comment if you have any interest – I’ve always wanted to go to a Flyers game but never have!

My breakfast pizza was pretty good – not sure I like how thin the mission low carb tortilla was, but it was 11 grams of fiber! 😀  Breakfast comes in at 385 calories, 43 carbs, 22 protein, 15.4 fat and14.7 fiber.

With more cantaloupe on the side:

I had a great workout – did a 3 mile bike ride on the Alpine setting – holy shit those hills were steep!  At some points I was standing to get up the 30% incline!  Then I did a jog/sprint on the treadmill for 25 minutes, my highest sprint was 6.5 which I held for 1 minute! 😀

On the way back to my office I saw this thing:  a sun oven!

Have you ever seen one of these before?  It looked like it had a pot of baked beans in it – love how I am in the reflection in this picture!  It had a temperature gauge and it was at 200 degrees.

I had a hugh jass salad for lunch – about 5 cups of greens, 2 ounces leftover steak, 2 tablespoons crumbled goat cheese, carrots, radish, apple and Newman’s own light balsamic – this took forever to eat but I ate every bite!

502 calories, 31 carbs, 39 protein, 16 fat and 9.3 fiber

But around 4:00 I was starving!  I had a tablespoon of no sugar added peanut butter and that held me til dinner 😀

My freezer dictated what I was going to fix for supper.  I thawed some Italian sausage, so simple pasta was on the menu!

The fresh picked and chopped basil made this dish – so flavorful!  Dinner comes in at:  516 calories, 79 carbs, 16.6 protein, 16.1 fat and 11.6 fiber.

Sadly, I ate a serving of flaming hot cheetos before going to bed – those things are like crack to me!!

So with my peanut butter and cheetos, snacks some in at 358 calories, 34 carbs, 7.1 protein, 21 fat and 2.2 fiber.

Stats for Thursday:

  • 1,761 calories, 187 carbs, 85 protein, 79 fat and 39 fiber.
  • 16 minute 3 mile Alpine hill bike ride
  • 25 minute jog/sprint

Dave, one of our 101 days of summer challengers wanted to know the best way to send me your weekly update.  Whatever works for you was my answer!  Some people just send me an email at bdl319@gmail.com and say “check out my latest blog post” and I’ll just cut and paste it – whatever works for you . . . just don’t forget to send me your week 3 update before Sunday!

Happy Friday!!  Maybe Tony will be up for Party Pizza Friday? 😀